Chapter 5

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As I pack my saddle pads, saddles, bridles, and other tack in the tack room of my trailer, the moon was very bright. I tie up feed bags for in the morning and food bowls for the dogs. My back seat had my bags, and my personal possessions, like my gun, knife, rodeo winnings, buckle case, and my cowboy hat.
Suddenly, I hear howling at every direction, along with coyote yips. I finish packing my truck up for the morning, and rush back to the house.
I am 15 feet from the door when I'm rammed to the ground. Looking up, it's a massive dirty brown wolf that has bloodshot red eyes. I snap out of my trance when it growls, snapping at my face.
Kicking it, I jump up, reaching up and grab it's scruff, throwing it off of me. I stand up and look around, spotting the wolf struggling to get up. I grab the silver hunting knife from the hook on the shed, twirling in my hands... waiting.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps from behind. Turning around, I stab at a new wolf hurtling towards me. I pierce the throat, and toss it aside, seeing the other one racing over. I leap to the side when the wolf is 5 feet away. It's going so fast it slides on past me. I grasp it by the throat and snap it's neck, killing it instantly.
Once they are both dead, I study them. Their massive fur would make good gloves, or a blanket at least. Sighing, I drag them to the skinning shed and hang the carcasses.
I skin them and throw the remnants into the woods. It's already 12:30, and I'm heading over to the ranch at 5 tomorrow morning, so I might as well tan the skin there. After tossing the pelts into a bag which I placed in the tack room, I went into the house and tucked in.


I wake up at 3:30, and groan.
"Why are mornings so terrible????"
After hopping in the shower and getting dressed, I make myself a breakfast sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate. (Outfit up top)
My parents were happy that I got a job, and practically shoved me out the door so I could get there early.
I call the dogs and hook them in the back of my truck. Afterward, I put Brandy in and realize I need to load up some hay.
As I walk over to the barn and grab the hay hooks, I take a peek into where I tossed the wolf carcasses, only to see it being dragged away by Dax. He looked up at me and did what could be a wolfish grin, winked and trotted back into the shadows.
I continue to the barn, and load up 30 bales of hay into my trailer, which I can assure you, not many people.... cough cough this Jessica chick cough cough.... can do.
Hopping into my baby, I drive to the Triple C Ranch.
Pulling up, I see Cameron and another silhouette in the window of the main house. I park in front of the house, and walk to the front door. I am nervous, for reasons unknown...
Not a minute after I knock, the door is opened to reveal a black haired kid about my age.
"Howdy. You must be the new hand?"
"Right on. Names Tyla, and you?"
"Sam. Come right on in, Cameron's in the kitchen with Mama Jo."
"Thank ya, are you two brothers?"
"Brothers? No, but damn close.. I practically live here, but everybody calls his mom Mama Jo."
I follow him to the kitchen and see a lady at the stove, with Cameron diggin through the fridge.
"Found it! Oh... Howdy Tyla!"
Cameron stood up, holdin a jug of orange juice.
The lady turned around and smiled.
"Oh hello dear, I'm Cameron's mother. You are Tyla I presume?"
"Yes Mrs. Jones"
"Please Tyla, call me Mama Jo, or Joey."
"Alright Mama Jo, how can I help?"

After that delightful breakfast, Cameron showed me to my bunkhouse. Since I was the only girl hand, I got my own cabin, to which Sam grumbled about.
I parked my truck and trailer, and with a little help, I got Brandy put away, and my dogs tied up. Sam also helped me bring my bags in while Cameron took my gun and other possessions and put them in my safe. Cameron stayed after Sam left to go talk to someone.
"So who did Sammy go and talk to?"
"His ma- girlfriend"
"Oh cool. Thanks for this, Cam!"
"It's your nickname, unless you'd rather it be Jackie?"
"No it's good"
After some random chit chat, Cameron told me what I would be doing.
- feed horses dinner
- exercise the ones in main barn on walker
- get the ones used for roping and rodeo ready
- any extra things
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey y'all! Just wanted to show you Sam and Mama Jo...


Mama Jo

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Mama Jo

Mama Jo

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