First loves never last

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You've already torn my heart apart, so why are you still playing with the pieces?

             When I heard the rumor about you and the other girl it was like a knife to the heart, but the knife didn't go in. When I heard the truth come out from your lips the knife went in stabbing me, nearly killing me. Then I went on to ask does she make you happy, you smiled and said yes. The knife went down, splitting my heart in two. Then I asked hoping you would tell me what I wanted to hear, what my heart NEEDED to hear. I asked you if you still had feelings for me. When the truth revealed itself from your sad apologetic face, it was you without even knowing it crushing my heart with your own, two, cold bare hands. That's when I knew we were done for. That there wasn't a hope in an "us" anymore. Trying to be strong I smiled and left, when I turned the corner and knew you wouldn't be able to see me, I cried. The cry began into a sob and a sob into a bawl and I finally let myself be weak. I walked home bawling knowing you would never love me back. Knowing you COULD never love me back. Knowing you could never share the same feelings as I had for you.

Why did I have to LOVE you when you didn't even LIKE me back? You've already torn my heart apart, so why are you still playing with the pieces?

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