Chapter 27

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Veronica's POV

I sat in my terrace as I drank the liqour I poured on my cup. I sighed as I think about what Natalie said yesterday, I didn't get to meet her today because for the first time in my life I'm scared I might do or say something that will ruin a relationship. It's too early to say that I love her but to say that I just like her is an understatement, what I feel for Natalie is the fine line between like and love. I feel stupid for agreeing with her on meeting my parents. I don't know what's the right thing to do right now. I called my brother Damon, I wanted to call Lucio but he's got a lot on his plate already and Vain won't be any help. 

"Hello" I heard Damon's deep voice on ther line.

"Damon" I paused.

"I need help about something" I sighed.

"What is it?" He asked intently, knowing that I like handling things on my own and I rarely ask for help unless it's really serious.

"I need you to be my dad and to find a doupleganger for mom" I said.

"What?! For what!" he exclaimed. I shook my head in dismay as I know that I will have to explain everything to him.

"I don't want to get involve" He said after knowing everything about Natalie and I's relationship. I said something to him and agreed to some terms and condition and somehow managed to make him do the favor.

I have to stay true to my words and keep my promise to Damon. 

The next day I went to the school where I was supposed to go and found Natalie there she immediately approached me the second she saw me.

"Hey, you didn't attend the class yesterday. Is there anything wrong?" She asked. I can see in her face that she's nervous and worried at the same time.

"No, everything's fine. Just had to do some errands for my brother" I lied. I was  avoiding her of course I needed a day to think about things and to think everything through. 

"So... am I going to meet your parents?" she said in her head but she decided against it and instead said "Oh okay". 

"I want you to meet my parents" When those words left my mouth she immediately smiled from ear to ear. 

"But, I also have to meet yours" I said. 

"You can meet mine anytime you want" She exclaimed excitedly.

"How about after class?" I asked.

"After class it is then" she stated.

"When will I meet yours?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." She looked so excited and she even went for a kiss. A lot of students were gawking their eyes out but we didn't even care.

After the class dismissed I took my time passing through the hallway, I wasn't nervous on meeting Natalie's Aunt in fact I was nervous on Natali meeting my brother and my fake mother. I'm pretty sure I could make her aunt like me right away. I found Natalie waiting for me just outside the school, she was still smiling from ear to ear--I guess she's been smiling the whole day, her face must be numb by now. 

"Hey babe" She blushed at the endearment I used.

"Are you nervous?" She asked as we walked a couple of blocks to her house.

"Not really" I smiled.

"My aunt can be a little strict on me but I promise you she's nice" She said. 

 "I'm sure she is"

We reached her house and entered inside. I couldn't help but scan the living room, it has minimalist designs and the aesthetic was quite typical but overall it was pretty normal and homey kinda vibe. I sat on their sofa as Natalie called her Aunt from the kitchen. I saw two figures approach me, I smiled even before I got a glimpse of her aunt. 

The moment I saw her, we were both shocked. It was her--Alexandria. She didn't liked me as well, we were stuck in an awkward tension. No one dared to move.

"uh, Aunt Alex this is Veronica, Veronica this is Aunt Alex" Natalie broke the deafening silence. 

I shook her hands and her hands went cold, her face looked like she just got pointed by a gun. She looked scared, scared for her life--well maybe she should be. 

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