Directions in Dutch

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One night, my girlfriend and I were walking through the suburbs of Dublin. A truck stopped and a guy hopped out. He was acting all friendly and asking for directions. He sounded Dutch. Something struck me as odd about the whole thing and it set me on edge. It seemed like he was trying to distract us. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted another man. He had gone all the way around the back of the truck and was trying to sneak up behind us. I quickly grabbed my girlfriend by the arm and walked straight towards the sneaky guy. He backtracked really quickly when he realized he had been seen. The first guy was like,

   " Come on, we mean no harm, "

but he was also talking to the other guy in Dutch. My girlfriend just started running and I followed her. We didn't stop running until we were far away from the weird guys and their truck. That was when my girlfriend told me she understood Dutch. 

What they were saying to each other was,

   " This isn't going to work. Let's go. "

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