Be Alright. (a Justin Bieber story) *Chapter 2*

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It was the next morning, and I still found it surreal that Justin Bieber has adopted me and is now my dad. What is air?

“Hey, Nevaeh. Are you okay?” Justin asks and I nod my head.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about how I’m gonna decorate my new room,” I smiled and continued on thinking … this time on what I’m gonna call him, how I’m gonna decorate my room and why Justin adopted me in the first place. “Hey Justin. I have a question,” I stated and he looked at me, probably wondering what I was gonna ask.

“Ask away, Nevaeh,” He smiles and motions for me to continue speaking.

“Well, I guess since you’re my dad now, do you want me to call you dad or Justin?” I asked and Justin shrugged.

“Call me whatever you want. I don’t mind, just as long as it’s not anything rude.”

I smiled and got up, walking over and giving him a hug. “I’ll call you both. You’ll be Justin and dad,” I said and then went upstairs to my room. I opened the door and was surprised at what I found on my bed. A guitar. A brand new guitar that was covered in rhinestones, just like Taylor Swift’s. There was a note as well, so I picked up the piece of purple paper and smiled.

Dear Nevaeh,

When Justin told me about your story, I was in tears. He told me that you sing, so I looked up your name  on YouTube, but there weren’t any results except for this one of a young girl singing. I sent the link to Justin and he said that it was you and I’ve watched the video every day since then, wondering why someone would abandon a girl with such talent. I can’t wait to meet you next time I visit Justin.

Much love,


P.S I hope you love the guitar. Learn a song or two and when I meet you, we can play together. I highly suggest learning a song of mine or Justin’s, just because, you know, we’re awesome. Haha!

Holy cow. Taylor Swift wrote me a note, and it’s so amazing. I was almost about to cry. That was probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me … well, the first thing is Justin adopting me, because that’s just amazing. Anyway, I picked up the guitar and something fell off the neck. I bent over and picked it up,  realizing that it was a Taylor Swift guitar pick … did they all have her autograph on them?  I sighed and put the guitar away, changing back into the outfit that I wore yesterday because Justin was going to take me shopping for new clothes and stuff. YES!

“Nevaeh, ready to go?” Justin yelled from downstairs and I yelled back “yes” while hurrying down the stairs and pulled on my converse.

“Let’s go, Dad!” I smiled and hugged him, racing Justin to the car … I won, by the way. “So, what store are we going to first?” I asked and he shrugged.

“What’s your favourite clothing store?” asked Justin and I thought for a second.

“Forever 21!”

“Then that’s where we’re going.”

“Do you even know where it is?”

“It’s L.A, Nev, we’ll find it.”


“It’s your new nickname.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. At least it wasn’t an embarrassing nickname …


So ta-da!

Chapter 2 was sort of a filler chapter, but the next one will have more to it.

I love you guys!


Next upload: Friday, July 20th.

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Be Alright. (a Justin Bieber story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora