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Like my usual routine, I wake up, dress up, escape from my window to avoid my abusive stepfather then, I rush towards Brandon's house.

Ever since that night, we've gotten closer. We played games like twenty-one questions and other things to get to know each other. Honestly, I didn't need a game to know him, I already do, from the bottom of my heart.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a shirtless Brandon. His muscles and abs were perfectly lined, even with sweat, he smelled like mint and vanilla.

I snapped out of my thoughts quickly when he asked me the same question like he always does, "Why did he hit you?"

Yes, my asshole of a stepfather just threw a broken beer bottle in my arm, earlier this morning. Why? He lost a gamble and he blamed me for it.

"Run a bath, Brandon, you stink," I teased him and pushed him away. I never really want to talk about my personal life. Besides, what's there to know?

"Woah, Brandon got ordered around in your own house?" Gabriel added and when Darren appeared, he added in the mockery, "By a woman!"

Then, I realized, all of them looked like they just finished working out. Vincent was in the kitchen making god knows what kind of healthy smoothie.

"What's with the topless day today?" I asked them as I took a sip from the mug that Brandon was holding. If there's anything weird about this man, he loves putting Nutella in his coffee. Not that I don't like it, it's just too bittersweet.

"Championship fight," they all answered at the same time. "Hold on! When were guys ever going to tell me about this fight? I should have watched you since the beginning!" I grumbled.

Vincent laughed and said, "Brandon didn't want to bother you during the first season, back then, the two of you were having a lovers'  quarrel."

"Okay, first of all, any of you should have bothered telling me. Second, we weren't lovers and that means it's not a lovers' quarrel," I defended.

But someone whispered, "But we could be." I could have sworn that it came from Brandon but I looked at him innocently and I shrugged off his side-comment.

"I thought we were just having a break, back to the game boys!" Darren said and everyone stormed into Brandon's gym.

I was about to just chill in his living room but I wanted to join them as well. If they were comfortable enough to be topless around me, a little skin wouldn't send them running away, would it?

So I took off my shirt, revealing my Nike sports bra and my sweatpants, leaving me in my spandex shorts. I tied my hair in a bun and went to the gym.

Brandon and Darren were sparring each other while Vincent and Gabriel worked on weights. I've been inside his gym but I never tried his equipment and that's what I did today.

I walked to his treadmill and before I could start running, everyone stopped exercising. It's been five minutes and they only noticed me now!

"Not trying to be a dickhead or something but damn, Cassidy. You sure do have some nice body curves," Gabriel said in a friendly manner.

I smiled at him and proceeded running. His words weren't the ones who made me blush, it was when Darren landed a punch in Brandon's jaw just because he was too busy gawking at me.

After an hour, I felt exhausted but they were still serious. This time, they've switched places and I just wanted to take a bath so I stepped out of the gym.

"I'm going to use the bathroom!" I said loudly but none of them seemed to hear. I grabbed a towel from Brandon's closet and stripped out of my clothes and took a shower.

Over this year, I've gotten more comfortable with his place. Mainly because I'm here almost every day and it feels more like my home than my own house.

Here, I have friends that actually treat me as a person and not just some animal. Sure, we met with a not so good way but it all went away through the time and friendship we've built.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard water dripping but not from the shower. I almost peaked out of the curtains when I heard a voice.

"Unless you want to see something, do not peak," Brandon said. He was referring to himself peeing while I was taking a bath. How rude of him.

"You should have at least knocked!" I yelled over the steaming shower. "Nope, this is my house, remember?" He teased and I heard him zip up his pants and washed his hands before leaving me in peace.

After I took a bath, all of them waited for me outside and they were all ready to go. I guess they're finally letting me watch one of their streetfights.

"Cassidy, let's be serious for a moment and listen to us. When we get there, don't look, don't talk, don't do anything that will involve interaction because I swear, other gangs will have their eyes on you," Vincent said.

"And give me your hand," Gabriel said while holding a permanent marker in his hand. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

With a steady hand, he wrote Nightwalker in a graffiti type of lettering. "It means you're with us," Brandon said.

"Don't worry about me, worry about your fight. I have a knife strapped to my thigh, a needle acting as a bobby pin in my head and the best part of it? I have some pepper spray," I laughed.

"That's where you're wrong, Cassidy. We don't worry about anything else but you," Darren said with a soft emotion. I knew where he was coming from so I didn't push it. Instead, I nodded in agreement.

Brandon drove quickly to an abandoned building. It seemed to have lots of.people.since several cars and motorcycles were parked around the area.

"If anything goes wrong, no matter what, promise me that you'll scream 'jewel,'" Brandon said. I looked at him with confusion, "Why jewel?" I asked him.

"Because it's an important name that's only to be used when really in need," he whispered in my ear.

Important. My name's still considered as one for him and I'm beyond grateful for that. Now, I guess it's time to see how my friends fight.

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