Chapter Thirty Six, Flower

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      Monday's, I hated Monday's. I rode the bus to school, I ended up sitting in the back where no one else did. I sat down and noticed the yellow sunflower laying next to me. I picked it. It gave me odd nostalgia and my heart began to drum faster like when I would get a message from Unknown666 or when I got a creepy note in my book. I put the flower in my backpack, it was truly pretty. I put my earbuds in and sat quietly, wondering who the texts and messages were from. Suddenly my phone rung. I checked, it was a text from an unknown number. "Hey, so can we meet?".

       I assumed it was the Unknown from before so I responded, "I assumed you're the unknown from before, I have school today so I um can't.".

      "That's not a problem I know where you are, meet me in the girls bathroom at 2nd period." Responded the number.

       This was not smart. If I got murdered it was no one but my own fault, but I guess I always did what I wasn't supposed to "Sure.".

      Soon the bus came to a stop and we were dropped off at school.  I went through first period and then ran to the girls bathroom in the top floor, not many people go up there and I had planned with the person to meet in that one. I walked in only to be greeted by a girl with a long strawberry blonde ponytail. Her green eyes were so beautiful and loving but then I realized something. She looked just like Monika. No fucking way, she was Monika. She introduced herself as Monika. "So like, the girl from Doki Doki Literature Club?" I asked sarcastically.

      "Actually yes but... There is a lot to the story, but I just came to visit you." Monika said a blush spreading across her face like a wildfire.

       I would admit she's cute but probably delusional. I crossed my arms and responded with "You're joking right?".

       She shook her head quickly "Never I love you, I would never lie. I can prove I'm more than average!" She said with a spark in her voice.

      I nodded and watched as her green eyes flickered with light and the entrance to the bathroom was slammed shut and jammed. Great now she was probably going to murder me. I watched as she approached me. "I never got the chance to do this with you, (Y/N), but now we're alone and I hope you don't mind skipping a few periods~." Said Monika, lust clouded her voice.

       I gulped.

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