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《 The New Queen of Faerieland 》

My fingernails gripped the throne, watching faeries fill up the hall. The crown felt heavy on my head but Saorise and Austin stood either side of me.
I glanced at Dorian who waited in the shadows, his eyes searching the crowd for potential threats.

Iron faeries, nature faeries and simple fae all craned their heads to get a look at me. The new Queen of Faerieland.
The heads of the selective faeries, got down on one knee, bowing their heads.

The hall quieted, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "You majesty, you must address the crowd and introduce yourself" Saorise whispered.

I took a deep breath before hardening my features and standing up. I couldn't afford to show weakness now.
"Welcome, I am Diana Greene, daughter of Queen Titani-" I was saying before someone cut me off.

"Liar!" A Faerie yelled from the crowd.

Several Faeries agreed with the voice. My hands turned to fists. "Prove it!" Another one called out.

Dorian walked forward, his sword unsheathed. I heard Austin growl softly. I raised my hand to calm them. I looked at Saorise who nodded. "I am Diana Greene, daughter of Queen Titania, sister to Taron Greene and rightful heir to the Faerieland throne" I said, strongly.

The hall quieted again. "Those who continue to question the new Queen will be dealt with accordingly, come forward now if any object to the crowning of the new Queen" Dorian said.

He said it quietly but the whole hall heard him. Nobody said a word. I turned to my loyal companion and Saorise smiled at me. Beside her lay a glass table, a top a red cushion with the crown nestled on it. I felt my chest tighten as Saorise picked up the crown gently.

Briefly closing my eyes, I fell to my knees before her, bowing my head slightly. "Any objections?" Dorian asked again.

Again, silence. .. until...
"I object her royalty" a voice said.

I turned my head, opening my eyes to see Marcus pushing his way to the front of the crowd. Behind him, two vampires. My eyes widened and went to get on my feet but Austin kept me on the ground.
"You have no business here vampire, leave this place" Austin ordered.

Marcus narrowed his eyes at him. "You know I never liked you" he said to him.

Austin returned the glare.

"What is this?" I asked from my position.

"A reckoning sweetheart, this woman is an imposter!" Marcus yelled out to the crowd, pointing at me.

I gasped as did the other faeries in the room. "She is daughter of Titania yes, but she is also daughter of a vampire, her blood is impure!" Marcus yelled out.

I had enough. "What is your problem!" I yelled.

The hall watched us like a tennis match. Marcus stared at me. I glanced at Austin to see him stare at me too. I glanced at Dorian who seemed entranced by me. The crowd too, staring at me in shock.

I looked down at my hands, realising flames were curling from my fists. I looked at Saorise and saw myself reflected in her eyes.
I'd engulfed myself in flames again but somehow the crown had moved from Saorise's hands to my head.

It didn't burn and I glared at Marcus. "You are sabotaging my crowning" I said still looking at him.

I saw regret flash across his face. "I never want to see you again, you are hereby banned from Faerieland" I snapped.

Marcus stepped foward, opening his mouth. "I said out!" I yelled, throwing my hand up.

Marcus and his two vampires flew backwards, over the crowd before falling through the door and disappearing from my sight. "Does anyone else have any objections!" I exclaimed.

All I heard when the sound of movement as every faerie got on their knees before me. I straightened my back, tilting my head up.
I was a Queen now, I had to act like one.

I stepped down from the stairs and walked towards the crowd, wanting them to hear me clearer. "On this day, I ask you all to fight with me, against the Vampires that want to end me" I said, glancing at them.

A few raised their head. "They say I'm the beginning of a prophecy that could end them and they plan to destroy me, I ask you now, as your new Queen, fight with me" I said, splaying my arms wide.

I heard a cheer. "I'll fight for you!" An older faerie said, standing up.

Soon, cheers filled up the room and I turned to look at Austin who smiled at me.
I smiled back before facing the crowd again.

"Then we take the fight to them, no more hiding, no more pretending we are weaker" I called out. 

"For the Queen!" Chorused back from the crowd.

They began to leave the room, filing out with stomping feet. It sounded like some kind of army getting ready for a war. Which is exactly what was happening.

I felt someone take my hand and I looked up to see Austin. "For the Queen" he whispered.

In that moment, I forgot about Marcus, I forgot about telling crowd that stormed from the room. It was just Austin and I.
He had supported me from the start, never doubting me, always with the unwavering faith in me.

"Thank you" I whispered.

A small smile graced his face. "I love you Diana, and I'll wait however long it takes for you to love me back, but I will always be here, supporting me" he said, lifting a hand and stroking a thumb across my cheek.

I leaned into his touch. "I know you will" I replied.

Austin cupped my face before leaning in. I sucked in a breath but he only pressed his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes briefly. "Let's do this" he said, pulling back.

I nodded. "You want to know something Austin?" I asked, smirking. 

He cocked his head. "I think for the first time in my life, I'm in control" I replied, turning to face the disappearing crowd.


Woo! Diana has finally embraced her destiny.
Marcus obviously the jealous one, wants to stop her now
..  but I knew Austin would be the one to hold her hand.

But I do miss Marcus.
Do you?

Thank you guys for waiting for its chapter. I had broken my wrist at work and it's been very painful but I'll endure it!
Lots of loves, T xoxo

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