XIII- Lone Wolf

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The plan was simple.

Do everything Rogue wanted.

Don't fight him.

Follow his every word.

"We will be able to take him down," Indianna said to the whole pack the next morning. It was the first time she was speaking to them as a whole. The last time she stood in front of her pack Greyson was by her side. "It's not going to happen instantaneously, we need to be patience. We'll get through this."

Indianna stopped talking and the whole pack slowly bowed their heads. Indianna shifted awkwardly on her feet and nodded.

"That's all," she said and soon the pack were making their way out of the room.

The usual group remained in the large room that was used when the whole pack gathered.

"You mentioned something about Rogue wanting us to do something him," Oscar said. "Do you know what?"

"He wants us to take control of a pack to the east," Indianna sighed. "I don't know the specifics, and I don't know when he wants us to do it. All I know is that one of our pack members used to belong to that pack- they were kicked out."

"Tale control how?" Brooke wondered. She had only been awake twenty minutes and you could tell she had a rough, sleepless night. Everyone in the pack house heard her scream at least once.

"I said we won't hurt anyone."

"But if he wants us too then we're going to have too," she gulped and her eyes went wide. "Oh, crap, sorry guys I think I'm going to be sick-" Brooke pulled away from Harry and rushed out of the room.

"She had a bad night," Harry explained. "She's just run down."

"Go, I've said everything I need to say," Indianna said.

"Indie, can I talk to you?" Oscar called. "I need to tell you something."

"Sure," Indianna nodded and her and Oscar walked off to the side. "What is it?"

"You said Rogue spoke about a pack member who used to belong to the pack he wants us to take down?" Oscar said.

"Yes, but I haven't a clue who the pack member is-"

"It's me."

Indianna raised her eyebrows. "You? But how? What happened?"

"I was a lone wolf for a long time. About two years ago I moved to this town, and then I left to travel. I returned around the same time Brooke moved here and I made it onto Greyson's radar- well technically Harry's, but then that leads to Greyson. I got mixed up with a problem of Harry and Brooke's, I guess you could say I helped out, and then Greyson invited me to join the pack," Oscar explained.

"Oh wow, why were you a lone wolf in the first place? Why did you get kicked out?" Indianna asked and frowned, Oscar didn't seem like the type to do anything wrong.

Oscar sighed and ran his fingers through his short dark hair. "My old pack is barbaric, they're very traditional, stuck in olden ways. I was banished from the pack when they found out about my sexuality."

"Oh no, Oscar, I'm so sorry, that's awful!" Indianna gasped.

"Ironic part was that I thought everyone knew," Oscar chuckled and shook his head. "Turned out the Alpha didn't, and when he found out I was bisexual he freaked. He thought it was unnatural to like someone of the same gender, he thought I was a abomination. He forced me to leave. Become a lone wolf."

"That's disgusting," Indianna whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it was a while ago and I'm over it, but I thought you deserved to know," Oscar smiled.

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