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Teruhashi didn't know precisely when it started, but it was during her usual morning routine of putting on make up and putting herself into her perfect pretty girl persona, that she felt something clawing in her throat trying to escape.
She found herself leaning over the sink coughing and hacking.
The rest of the morning the pain and clawing in her throat continued, despite her attempts of making it lessen with medicine and throat soothers.
So, ignoring her fears of causing a riot of people in fear of not knowing why she isn't in school, she decides to take the day off.
Throughout the day the pain only increases, and Teruhashi starts to worry.
She is drinking so much water to try and sooth the pain in her throat. 
For once Teruhashi is finding herself wishing that her brother wasn't out of town filming a movie, only so that he would be at home fussing and looking after her.

At around 11 Teruhashi remembers to check her phone. And when she does her phone shows exactly what she expected, over a hundred messages from friends, teachers and random people she doesn't know, asking why she isn't in school.
But none of those messages make her happy as none of them are not from the one person she wants to hear from.
Teruhashi is disappointed, during this day of nothing but pain she hoped to hear from him.
In that moment the pain worsens, making Teruhashi fall onto her knees clutching at her throat trying to breathe through whatever is scratching her from the inside.
Tears roll down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes closed.
In a moment of fear and desperation she calls her brother. She holds the phone to her ear waiting for Makoto to pick up. It takes an agonising three rings for him to pick up.
"hey Kokomi!" he says "as much as I love to hear you I am kind of in the middle of filming at the moment"
Kokomi tries to speak but because of the damage to her throat from coughing all morning, it comes out as nothing but a squeak.
It takes a few tries before she says anything understandable, even then all she manages is a soft "help".
At this Makoto is worried.
He quickly called an ambulance and hoped Kokomi would be alright.

When Kokomi got to the hospital, the only thing the doctors could do is give her an oxygen mask to help her breathe.
When Kokomi woke up she heard a constant annoying rhythmic beat coming from her right.
The pain in her throat hasn't lessened, but she found it was easier to breathe.
Soon the doctor came into the room.
"try not to speak" he says in a calm voice, "you will only damage your throat further if you do".
"you have a disease" he continues "it can be cured easily with surgery but it comes with... side effects"
Teruhashi didn't care in that moment, she just wanted the pain to go away.
But she didn't get to finish the thought as at that time, she fell asleep.

Saiki was annoyed, all day he has had to listen to his classmates whine and mope about Teruhashi not being in school.
Personally he doesn't care whether teruhashi is in or not, but today it is affecting him so it has become a problem that must be fixed before it gets even more out of hand.
He crosses his eyes using his clairvoyance to locate where Teruhashi is, only to see her laying in a hospital bed.
This, for once, made Saiki worry.

After school Saiki decided to visit the hospital to see what was wrong with Teruhashi, and to see how long he has to put up with the classes ridiculous behaviour.
However that plan went crashing out the window, when after turning invisible and looking at Teruhashi's charts.
What she had only has two cures; either she has surgery and gets whats blocking her lungs removed, or whoever she is in love with loves her back.
See, the thing is with what Teruhashi has, is what happens when the person they are hopelessly in love with doesn't love them back.
This is a huge problem, this being because the person Teruhashi is in love with is Saiki, a man who is incredibly powerful but not the least bit interested in romance.

Teruhashi is in pain, Saiki can see that much, it was painfully obvious from the tears leaking out of her tightly closed eyes and the whimpers falling from her open lips.
Saiki, although he rarely thinks of Teruhashi as little more than another nucence in his already ridiculously complex and frustrating life, finds himself feeling guilty for letting her fall for him, and not putting a stop to it earlier.
In that moment Teruhashi opens her eyes, only to lean over the bed. Luckily for Saiki he was still invisible so Teruhashi couldn't see him.
But Saiki wished he didn't see this, he could hear her heaving over the side of the bed but it was what he saw that made it worse.
Pink rose petals drifted to the ground spotted with blood.
They just kept on falling out of Teruhashi's mouth.
The stream of tears only increased during the pettle's decent.
Saiki teleported home, unable to watch the girl who is normally so strong reduced to such a vulnerable state.

Teruhashi was tired, after half an hour of the constant pain that comes with vomiting petals, she just wanted to sleep.
In this moment Teruhashi didn't care about making herself seem like the perfect pretty girl, she just wanted Saiki with her.

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