Chapter 11

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They pulled up to the house to see another couple of guards, along with Roman and Thom, waiting in the front. Thom, a skinny, attractive, geek with thick black glasses and a lean, muscled frame that would make both of her roommates gape, was flicking through his phone. Roman was trying to hide his scowl, unsuccessfully. His dark brown hair was shaved close to his head, and his eyes were closed, probably mind-linking someone. Or praying for patience. Who knew?

Caia stepped out of the driver's seat and put the keys in the back pocket of her jeans, before moving around to the trunk to grab their bags while Teleri greeted the Beta and Delta.

She was coming back to the group when the unmistakable scent filled her nostrils. Her wolf, still on high alert, fought to come to the surface. She quickly ducked her head, hiding her eyes from view as they changed back and forth from black. She took a deep breath, regaining control, and glanced up to see him staring at her.

"Do you—" Cedric made to take a step forward.

"I've got it," she forced a smile, immediately ducking her head again.

"Hi, Caia," Thom gave her a small grin. She was surprised, she'd never really known Thom, but she wasn't about to spurn a potential friendly face. She looked up to give him a friendly smile in return.

"What? Are you okay?" Cedric again almost took a step forward but seemed to force himself to stay put. Instead, he settled for gesturing at her jaw, though she could see the muscles tensing along his neck.

"I'm fine. It was a training accident from this morning. It'll heal quickly enough," Caia shrugged off the concern, ignoring Teleri's eyes on her, the silent plea to tell the truth.

"Right, well, shall we show you to your rooms?" Roman asked. "And then, I know Alpha wanted a meeting quickly before dinner tonight."

"Sounds perfect," Teleri said graciously, allowing Roman to lead the way. Caia followed and noted that Cedric hung back, bringing up the rear of the greeting party behind her.

She could feel eyes on her as they walked through the pack house, but kept her eyes in front, staring at the back of Teleri's head. They stopped on the third floor, with two doors right next to each other. Cedric's office, she knew, was at the end of the hall.

"I'll meet you in a few?" he asked. Caia knew the question was much more for her than for Teleri, but she allowed her boss to nod for her as she set down Teleri's things. She gave a polite nod to Roman and Thom before ducking into her room and closing the door behind her.

She let out a slow, shaky breath. Her wolf was still fighting her, fighting to come out and rip something to shreds, or pounce on Cedric, or run in wild green fields for the first time in years. She wasn't sure which. She clamped down on the impulse and hurried over to the shower, knowing there would still be some blood in her hair. She was anxious to be rid of it. After a ten-minute mad dash in the shower, brushing her teeth, and drying her hair as best she could with a towel, she decided there was nothing for it but to go talk to Cedric.

Give me five minutes with him, first. She mind-linked Teleri, as she walked down the hall.

She knocked, but the door was already open slightly. She saw him sitting at the desk, on his laptop, a few files scattered around him. He immediately closed the lid as she entered, and made to stand, but she shook her head and sat down in a chair across from him.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi," she didn't want to sound rough, but it was hard.

"Caia, I—" But she held up a hand. She didn't need his speech. She didn't need whatever he was going to say.

"I understand that you needed time to absorb what I told you. I get that I dumped a load of crappy information on you. But you just walked out. Fine, whatever. But then, nothing? For a week? That wasn't exactly easy on me either, you know. And don't give me bullshit that you couldn't contact me. If you had my address, you had my number. It's written on all the shit from Morninghill. So, either you're now telling me you're done with me, or, you're about to tell me you're sorry. And I'm pretty sure it's not the former, and I don't care about the latter."

He just stared at her.

"What do you want me to say?" he asked quietly. "Because I don't think you're done with me either, Caia, or you wouldn't care enough to tell me all that." She gritted her teeth.

"I don't want you to act like my mate. Not here. Not during this trip."

He leaned back in his chair, examining her.

"How'd you get the bruise, Caia?"

She met his eyes. "Training."

"Then why did I smell blood?"

"It was intense training." She managed to tilt the corner of her mouth up into a fake grin.

He nodded, slowly, but did not smile or laugh.



"Okay. I'm not your mate. The rejection stuck. We met by coincidence when I had the Morninghill meeting. We're putting our past behind us and that's why you're here."

"Thank you, Cedric." And she meant it. He took a steadying breath and stood up.

"But," he began, moving around the desk to her chair, "Do not mistake this for me ignoring our bond. I might go along with you in trying to convince everyone else to ignore what's between us, but I can't."

"What do you mean?" It felt like her voice got stuck in her throat as he placed a hand on the arm of the chair and spun it around to face him. He was crowding her, trapping her against the upholstery.

"It means, that when we are alone, I'll want to do this," he bent down, and his lips touched hers. Sparks ignited down her back as his hand twisted in her hair, the other still on the arm of the chair, his body pinning her down. She moaned softly as his lips trailed down her jaw, down her neck to her collarbone.

"This doesn't actually solve anything..." she murmured, trying to think past the sensations he was sending through her body.

"No, but it doesn't have to," he returned to her mouth, fighting with her lips for dominance and easily winning. Her hand came around his chest, clawing at his shirt, and for a moment, if only a moment, she didn't think. She didn't care who saw or where they were. All that mattered was the feeling of him against her.

Caia, am I good to come in? Teleri's voice came through the mind-link, and she broke away.

"That's Teleri. Did you need to actually meet with us?" she asked.

"Dammit, yes, I did," he swore again, and kissed the top of her head, before straightening out his shirt and moving back to his seat. She ran her fingers through her hair to smooth it out as she signaled to Teleri that it was all safe.

Teleri came in and took the seat beside Caia, tablet in hand. Cedric smiled at each in turn, as Teleri spoke. "Right, Cedric, where should we begin?"



Sorry it's short, it's been so long since I've had time to write, I wanted to get something out for you guys <3 


<3 <3 


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