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My eyes adjusted to the bright light occupying the room. I sat up and scanned my surroundings, only to realize I was in my room.

What the hell just happened?

A knock broke me out of my thoughts and I didn't need to respond as it was opened by Klaus Mikaelson himself.

"Good morning, love," He greeted, smirking as he leaned against the door.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"12 am,"

"I only slept for 2 hours?" I exclaimed.

"And 24 hours more," He stated.


"You slept for an entire day, love," He said, "Then again, I can't blame you. Kol gave you a hard time,"

"No denying that," I muttered, "I don't think I can sleep anymore,"

"I'm free for the night," He said, "Would you like a midnight stroll?"

I nodded with a smile. I realized I wasn't in my training clothes anymore. Instead, I was in a silk nightgown that was really comfortable to wear.

"Don't worry, love. A hybrid of mine was the one to change you," He said, noticing my panicked expression.

"Hybrid?" He gestured for me to follow him and I did. I slipped on a robe before we flitted over to where Kol and I trained but we walked a little bit more 'til we came across a stable. There, a white horse was peacefully sleeping.

"Oh my—he's beautiful," I complimented, staring at the creature in front of me.

"You like horses?" He asked me.

"I'm more of a wolf person myself," I answered with a slight smile, "But horses come close to second,"

"Did you know my father once beheaded my horse and displayed it in the middle of the town square?"

"To be honest, I know nothing about you or any of your family," I said, truthfully, "I know you're vampires but I feel like there's more to you than you seem to be,"

"What do you want to know?" He asked me.

"Everything." And that's what he did. He spent the whole night telling me from how they were turned into vampires from a thousand years ago up to him sacrificing Elena in a ritual. He told me how he was a hybrid and his mom had an affair with a werewolf. He told me about his past lovers from Tatia to Katherine, Elena's apparent doppelganger, and everything I need to know about the Supernatural world.

"When you said about being the same person because we were abandoned and tortured by the people we love, did you mean your parents?" I asked.

"I always tried to earn their good graces," He said, "Yet, every little thing I do, it was always...wrong,"

"I know how you feel," I said, "With Caroline, it seems like I'm the bad person even though I'm the one who gets beat up for it,"

"Why do you allow them to do that to you?" He asked.

"I don't know how to make them stop," I answered.

I was silent for a second before asking, "You say you're the mean, old hybrid. He who kills everything in sight without reason, he who tortures for fun, how come I don't see it?"

"You're supposed to," He said, "That's who I am. If you don't see it, what do you see in me, love?"

"I see someone who's hurt, broken beyond repair. Yet, I see someone who loves in the most aggressive way possible 'cause the good cop method didn't work. You're not...paranoid as you say people think you are. You're protective, you're,"

"Why aren't you scared of me?"

"You haven't given me a reason to be." For a second, I saw his eyes flicker to my lips. And I felt us leaning closer 'til the horse whinnied, breaking us from our intimate moment.

I looked up and saw the sun beginning to rise. I looked at Klaus and said, "I's time for breakfast,"

"You hungry, sweetheart?" He asked with a smile.

"Starving," I said, "Have you tasted the most delectable chocolate chip pancakes in your thousand years of existence?"

"Can't say I have," He said with a grin.

"Well, prepare yourself, Niklaus Mikaelson," I said, standing up from the bench we were sitting on, "I'll blow your tastebuds away," 

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