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The being stood looking out beyond the transparent glass of the ship. Earth. The small planet stands alone in its solar system. It is the only planet capable of housing life. It's full of inhabitants that believe everything revolves around them, each of them selfish in their own way. They excessively fight causing war, death, and disease for the profit of power.

The being laughs to himself. Such an insolent race.

All the years humanity has been granted to make their world a better place and they've done nothing but make it worse. They do not know the true meaning of power. They do not know what it means to conquer an entire planet. An entire solar system. And that is why he is here. He wants the Earth. He wants to teach them- to show them that they are inferior in every way possible.

He smiles to himself. He knows they will try and fight. He's counting on it. He revels in the bloodshed. He loves the fact that once their hopes are extinguished, they will finally understand their true purpose. It's simple. 

To serve him and his race however he deems necessary.

The being turns to his second in command with an amused grin. Humanity. They believe they are advanced with their satellites and telescopes. It's laughable how behind they are. The technology they use is so outdated they haven't even realized they've been observed for years. Even now, they have no idea of the armada sitting in their solar system ready to strike.

The time has finally come to intervene.

July 23


"Andrew, you can't ignore your son forever. You two have to talk about this eventually!" I tense at the sound of my mother raising her voice. I hate it when my parents argue.

I look up from my place in the backseat. My mother is glaring at my father from the passenger seat waiting for him to respond. I know how he'll respond. He's either going to yell or ignore her for the rest of the day. My parents rarely get along. But today, they were supposed to no matter what.

Today we are supposed to celebrate my birthday. My birthday isn't until tomorrow, but my father will be out of town by then for another business trip. So, I get today. All I wanted for today was for my parents to take me to the park. The sun is high, the weather is warm, and there isn't a cloud in sight. It's the perfect day. Or rather, it would be if my parents could get along for five minutes.

"Lauren. I'm not discussing this with you today." I know that tone. My father really is refusing to discuss it with her. His hand reaches for the radio to turn the volume louder than my mother's fuming voice. She launches into an argument about my father's lack of attention to his family and accusations of affairs. I have to fight the urge to pull my hands over my ears. She hates it when I do that.

So, my eyes shift to the world outside of the car. I see people on the street walking with their friends and families, enjoying the weather. A car pulls up next to us with the top down, a young man sitting in the driver's seat. He has on a pair of sunglasses, his head tilted as he looks at his phone screen.

My brow furrows when I notice a large shadow passing over the area. It's strange because only seconds ago, there were no clouds in the sky.

I jump as the song that was coming out of the speakers is cut off, followed by a long ringing nose and an emergency announcement.

"This is not a test. We repeat this is not a test.  There have been sightings of a foreign..."

Screams erupt outside of the car, and the people that were once happy enjoying their day have begun pointing to the sky and running in the opposite direction. I place my hand against the glass, craning my neck to the see object that has blocked out the sun. It isn't a cloud. It's a... spaceship?

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