Chapter 3

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"Listen up aca-ballers. I have been rejected by the army, shoved into a Dora the Explorer backpack, and shoved into the girls locker room wearing nothing but suspenders. But no matter, I'm in the world that I love. And with the assistance of my boy Justin." Tommy said as he stood in the middle of the stage.

"My liege." Justine bows to Tommy as he stands beside him.

"I launch this year's auditions. Belly roll."

Justin drums on his belly as an imitation drum roll.

"The most recent ICCA national champion winners get to pick the next audition song ." Tommy announced.

"Alright nerds, let's go with...Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars." Becca yelled out after talking with the other Bellas.

Justin and Tommy walk back stage and give us our music sheets to memorize. I quickly memorized the lines easily because I already knew the song. Tommy calls out my name after a while because I'm the last to audition. I walk into the stage and he whispers a 'good luck' in my ear before leaving.

"I know, I know

When I compliment her she won't believe me

And it's so, it's so

Sad to think that she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?"

I say,

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause, girl, you're amazing

Just the way you are." I finished singing and walked off stage.

Everyone headed back to their rooms and when I got there, I face plated on my bed. I was so worried.

"What if I don't make it and they all think that I suck? What if the Bellas and the Treblemakers stop hanging out with me because I can't sing? What if Becca changes rooms because of it? God, why did I even audition? I suck!" I yelled and then punched the wall.

I curled up into a ball in the corner of my room between my bed and my desk where my lap is, and I cried. All the thoughts that were going threw my head have me a headache. I was about to get up and get some Advil, when I heard someone open the door.

"If not here, then I don't know where." I heard Becca say.

"Thanks Becca." Donald said sounding a little concerned.

"No problem." Becca said, and the door closed.

Donald walked around the room. He looked in the bathroom, under both beds, and in some of the cabinets in the kitchen area. He sighed and went to open the door. I sniffled and Donald let go of the doorknob.


He walked over to where I was and looked down at me. I walked my tears and turned my head so I was looking at the wall. He moved my desk over so he could get to me and crouched in front of me. He held my face in his hands and forced me to look at him.

"What's wrong, Alexis?" He asked.

I shook my head, getting out of his grip, and rested my forehead on my knees. My breathing once again became uneven and tears threatened to spill. Donald leaned over and picked me up bridal style and set me down on my bed. He pushed my desk back before sitting down next to me and pulling me into his chest.

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now