Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After that argument we had, Musa completely stopped caring about what I was doing, completely stopped bossing me around about staying in bed. I know he's just being petty now, but he should know that I'm perfectly fine... except for the morning sickness and the usual pregnancy symptoms. I am loving this freedom, however the only thing that sucks is that Musa won't even help hold my hair when I'm puking my guts out. After I puke my guts out, I tend to lay down in bed and maybe take a nap, except that's when he decides to make some comment like, "Oh, so now you want to be in bed?"

I am at the mall shopping for baby clothes because they are just adorable. Since we don't know the gender yet, I'm just getting gender neutral colors. Although, that doesn't mean that if we have a girl, I won't dress her in blue, or if it's a boy, I won't dress him in pink. I really don't care color the baby wears. Musa is with me also browsing for baby essentials. I don't hate Musa, and he doesn't hate me. We are just normal and civil with each other, which is all I ask for. I reach up to get the set of baby bottles when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Musa!" I gasp loudly and hiss in pain.

"What?" He comes to me.

"My stomach is hurting, let's go home." I place both my hands on my abdomen.

"Yeah, we should get home and call the doctor." Musa helps me out of the store and into the car.

When we get home, I ease myself out of the car, only to feel something trickle down my legs, as if I'm starting my period. Shit what the hell? I run inside to the bathroom and pull down my pants and I almost faint at the sight of the blood. Musa runs into the bathroom after me, and stops short when he sees what I'm looking at, his eyes wide.

I somewhat manage to put on a pad and get out of the bathroom to lay down on the couch. I know what's happening. He knows what's happening too. I briefly hear him call 911 before everything's dark. 

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