Chapter 36- Holy Sh*t

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I banged on the door to Reid's apartment, trying to keep tears from streaming down my face.  I almost hit him when the door suddenly swung open under my fist, revealing Reid standing there looking sleepy but confused.  His hair was a tousled mess on top of his head, and he was wearing his glasses and matching flannel pajamas. 

Upon seeing me, though, he asked, sounding fully awake, "McDowell, what's going on?  Are you okay?"

"I--I--" I stammered.  I don't think I could keep my stalker a secret from him any longer.

"Come in," he said, stepping aside and opening the door farther for me to get past.

I had just sprinted who-knew-how-many blocks in socks, and I hadn't even put a jacket on.  I was freezing despite the burning in my chest, though I'm not sure if I was shaking from the cold or the terror that had seized me. 

Reid must have noticed, he led me over to the couch and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders before sitting down next to me and commanding, "Tell me what's going on."

"Someone broke into my apartment.  He disabled the security system, and my dog wasn't there, and my gun was in the other room, and I didn't know what to do so I climbed out the window and started running," I spilled out all at once.  Not really what I wanted to say to him, but once I started talking I couldn't stop.

"There's been this person, I know who it is, but I can't go after him and I think he's trying to kill me," I spit out.  Why was I telling him this?  He'd definitely want to get the team involved, and maybe the police.

"What?  How do you--why haven't you said anything about this before?" he asked incredulously.

I heaved a shuddery sigh and stared at the floor, muttering, "I don't know," as I tried to get the pounding beat of that man repeatedly hitting my bedroom door out of my head.

"We need to go to the BAU, you're not safe," Reid said, getting up and returning a moment later with one of his button-up sweaters for me to wear cause I was still shaking.

"Tomorrow," I numbly replied.

He looked at me, concern etched onto his face.

"I can't, Spencer.  I can't, not now," I pleaded, my voice urgent but quiet.  I barely noticed how strange it was for his first name to fall from my lips.

"Charlie, you're in danger," he insisted.  "This man could kill you, he wants to kill you.  We have to get out of here, he could have followed you here," he tried to reason.

I shook my head, answering, "He didn't.  I just--" I trailed off but then repeated, "Tomorrow.  First thing tomorrow morning, I promise, but I just can't handle this right now.  Please, Spencer."

I can't believe I was begging him.

He must have realized that, though, because he gave in softly, "Okay, tomorrow."

My head dropped in relief and I relaxed slightly, the blanket slipping from where I had it clutched around my shoulders.

"Come here," Reid said, gesturing for me to get up and come over by him.

"Why?" I asked tiredly but I stood up and walked a step closer to him anyways. 

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly, and for once in my entire life, I didn't resist.  I just sank into his chest, barely attempting to force back the tears that were already leaking down my cheeks.

Eventually we sat back down on the couch, and I fell asleep with his arms around me.

Reid woke me up at seven thirty, handing me a steaming mug of something that didn't smell anything like coffee.

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