chapter one

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It is said that we share a birthday with nine million other people. This makes is clear that a lot of people die. One hundred and fifty five thousand a day to be exact.

Though there are a lot of people born there are a lot of deaths, and each individual goes through this cycle. We either live the life we should or we don't; we either make a difference or we don't.

The majority of us waste our life. I believe the ones who've actually made a difference are the ones we don't know about. The ones with integrity; who did the right thing and didn't share it with everyone because they didn't care if they got credit.

A lot of us like to say we have integrity, but when was the last time you sincerely cared about how your decision affected others and didn't care for one second about how your decision affected yourself?

Honestly, I don't remember the last time I did. Living your life to the fullest isn't about doing the craziest stunts or living wild, it's about making our absence felt, instead of out presence known.

If you are kind hearted, do good things, and possess integrity, your absence will be felt.

If you live without a care, don't take anything seriously, and are selfish, people will notice you, but they won't remember you, and perchance won't even care about you.

Being selfish is frowned upon by the most selfish people.

Selfishness is one of those traits that nobody likes.

Being selfless, however, is a trait that will attract everyone; this is because everyone wants something.

Whether it's a million dollars, or food on the table; for the ones they hate to disappear, or to simply be loved; we live in a world full of people who want.

That includes all of us though, if you got everything you wanted you'd just find more things to wish for.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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