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Iggy spent the last few hours of the emperor's party exploring the quiet network of halls that made up the place. He didn't dare step into any rooms with closed doors, which happened to be most of them. Luckily, there were other things to hold his attention until it was time to leave.

Vibrant gardens populated with flowers and plants he'd never seen before broke up the monotony of the stone palace walls. Open ceilings gave way to the sky above. Warm colors bled into the white clouds as the sun prepared to retire for the night. A ship darted across the colorful expanse every few minutes before disappearing again.

Iggy sat on a polished marble bench with his eyes glued to the marvelous fountain built into the center of the garden. Water spouted from the stone carving of the Elysian's symbol—a golden wreath—in glorious fashion. The soothing sound of the water trickling into the clear pool did wonders for Iggy's racing mind.

No one bothered him for what felt like hours.

He debated stripping off his clothes and taking a dip in the fountain's pool. It was large enough to swim in, after all. He decided against it, as the thought of someone finding him naked in one of the emperor's fountains was enough to turn his face red. Sitting in the peaceful silence of the palace garden was enough for him.

But it wouldn't remain silent for long.

Out the corner of his eye, he spotted a shock of pink. His lips pressed into a tight line, but he didn't avert his gaze from the gushing fountain. He heard footsteps approach him. Still, he never moved his eyes.

The High Priestess took a seat on his bench.

Finally, he broke and glanced at her.

"What're you doing here?"

"I needed some air," she replied. "I see you've found my favorite garden." She gestured at a vine covered in neon blue flowers scaling a wall nearby. "Those are jadorias from Pegasai. A beautiful flower."

"I guess."

The flowers were, in fact, beautiful. Stunning, even. Their petals glowed with an iridescent light that bent the last remnants of the burning sun ahead through its waxy, shimmering material. He squinted at the flowers upon seeing the tiny thorns running up and down their stems.

"They're poisonous to the touch," Noia continued. "One prick of their thorns will make your blood feel like molten lava. The petals alone will spread rashes across your skin."

Iggy tilted his head at her. "What're they doing in here then?"

"The emperor had them installed per my request. He had no objections to doing so. He quite enjoys admiring beautiful, yet dangerous things."

The Arigorii had a feeling she wasn't just talking about the flowers.

He turned to the priestess as memories of their previous encounter returned. The embarrassment and anger, both caused by the emperor's refusal to help his sick mother, accompanied the memory. His lip twitched as he suppressed a scowl.

"How can you marry him?" was all he managed to say.

Noia sighed. She wrung her tattooed hands, her bright irises trained on her shoes. "It's complicated, Iggorii. You...you couldn't possibly understand."

She was right about that. He'd never understand how she could marry a man like Voltai. Or any Noblus, for that matter. They all were the same. Elysians were selfish and cruel and vain. She didn't belong with them.

Perhaps she did.

"I'm sorry for not speaking up when Voltai denied your request," the Majaan priestess told him. She stood up and raised her chin slightly. "You should not have told him about your mother."

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