~ T h r e e ~

420 55 6

I fix my hijab one last time and inform mum that I'm leaving before throwing open the huge gates and letting myself out.

I'm on my way to the madrasa and it's been three weeks since the first session meaning today is the fourth one.

Surprisingly, the past weeks have been amazingly uplifting (both spiritually and emotionally) just because of a single lecture per week and the thought of being a part of that blessed gathering again makes me giddy with happiness despite my sullen mood.

For some unknown reason, I have been feeling quite peachy today and the speaker's words does more than soothe my heart.

He says that as humans we are bound to have good days as well as bad ones and that life is supposed to be a bumpy roller coaster ride but all of it is a trial and it depends on us whether we decide to flunk the test or perform well on it.

As the session ends, positivity bubbles inside of me and I feel much more better than before and I vaguely wonder if today's lecture was meant just for me.

Speaking of the lecture, I am reminded of the magical voice that speaks fluently, slowly caressing the words like it's in love with them.

Whoever the speaker is, I wonder how many lives he has changed with his powerful words and beautiful thoughts.

I also wonder about his identify and whether he is a family man with a wife and kids. I have no idea why the thought tugs at my heart and I now wonder if it's possible to fall in love with a person just by hearing them speak.

No, that is so not possible, I shake my head and walk towards home.

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