Good Morning

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We didn't sleep at all.

"Oh my god." Lydia exhaled.

We were sweating and exhausted from the marathon we just put our bodies through. Her hair was a mess, her body was still healing from her abduction but she was beautiful in every single way. I couldn't keep my hands off of her.

She gave herself to me.

She stayed in bed while I dressed myself. I missed a lot of work while I was away. Rouges mutilated some homeless humans and it caught the attention of the local news. My guards picked them up heading south and they are in the basement awaiting their prosecution.

I heard some chatting in the kitchen and I decided to follow it hoping it was Jenna.

"Yeah it was all night." Jenna spoke to her mate Jeffery.

They stopped talking as I entered. Jeffery shot me a weird smile before he excused himself.

"You're alive." She said while she observed my every movement.

"You knew I would be it was just a little blood loss." I answered while sitting across the kitchen island.

"Oh I wasn't talking about that." She laughed. "I was talking about the fact that you were screaming bloody murder all fucking night."

Shit. How could I forget they could hear us? The thought of it made me laugh. I wasn't the only one screaming.

"I had to physically stop the guards from breaking down the door Kaitlyn. They thought you were in danger. Do you have any idea how awkward it was to explain that it was just you having sex?"She didn't stop laughing the entire time.

A guard entered the the kitchen with my daily paperwork. There was embarrassment in his eyes and he refused to look at me. He had obviously heard us the night before.

"It's going to be a long day." I spoke.

The awkwardness was new. I never had anyone spend the night with me, not like that anyway and when I did my staff never heard me.

Jenna and I could hear gentle foot steps coming down the hall approaching the kitchen.

"The walk of shame." Jenna joked.

"Shh, shut up she'll hear you." I hushed her.

"Who cares, we all heard you last night. I'm just happy you finally got fu.... hey Lydia how was your night!" Jenna's voice was pitchy and obvious.

Lydia looked at me and she realized instantly that everyone knew about our nightly excursion. She blushed a little before walking over and kissing my cheek.

"It was eventful." Her response was full of sarcasm. She had no problem dishing it right back to Jenna. I sat back in my chair amused at what was unfolding in front of me.

"Oh I could tell, in fact the entire staff could tell." Jenna countered.

Lydia smiled at me before answering. "I guess I'm going to have to buy you guys some earplugs."

I started to laugh and Jenna's mouth hung open.

"Kaitlyn, I have to go to the store, I came here with nothing. When your done doing whatever Queens do we need to talk about somethings." She stated.

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