Chapter 20

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Kara’s POV



I raised my head up from beside mama when I heard my name and heaved a grateful sigh that she was finally awake. It had been almost five hours since we got here and the doctor had given her some pills, including a sedative after I forced her to eat the hospital food.

“You’re awake.”


I hastily got up without sparing her as much as a glance. “That’s good. I’ll go get the doctor.”

“Kara?” She called again, her tone croaky as tiredness sagged her eyes shut while she struggled to leave them open. Stiffly, I turned around and gave her the ‘what now?’ look. She shook her head and beckoned with her left hand for me to come back.


“You’re still angry.” She stated with a frown, as if I had no right to be angry.


“And why is that, if I may ask?”

“You may not ask.” I all but snapped.

“Kara,” she called more softly. “Sit.”

I huffed and sat beside her.

“I know you have every right to be angry and it was my fault for speaking to you that way. I just didn’t want to trouble you.”

“You weren’t troubling me mama, you’ve never been trouble and will never be. You fuss over me all the time and I see no reason why I shouldn’t be there when you also need me.”

“I was only trying to keep it from you so you wouldn’t be troubled.”

“I understand mama and I know you were only doing it for my own good. I’m also sorry for acting up. I promise.” A smile finally crept up my face.

“I only want the best for you. I want you to concentrate on your studies and become a popular woman with much wealth like young master Stephano one day.” She smiled softly, her eyes slowly brimming.

Realization slowly dawned and I bit my lower lip. The fragility in her voice broke my heart for the umpteenth time and I took a gulp. So she was looking at Stephano all the while and wanted me to be hard-working as he was.

“I’ll try my best mama but you also have to rest. You can’t depend on those herbal treatments for everything so next time; though I’m hoping there’ll not be a next time, seek professional help.” I scolded with a scowl. “How is your leg by the way?”

She snickered, then giggled. “It’s better.”

I straightened in my seat and scowled, knowing I couldn’t deal with her pretense right now. “For real mama, how is your leg? Don’t try sugarcoating words, I’m not young master Stephano.”

She sighed and nodded again. “Okay, it’s still paining a bit but that’s just all.”

Her eyes looked a bit dull and this was an obvious sign of how tired she actually was, whether she admitted it or not. Mama always tried to act as if she was Batman and could never fall sick but I knew it was all pretense. 

I got up. “Let me get the doctor so he’ll ch-” the opening of the door had me biting my lower lip as I swallowed the rest of my words.

“She’s awake, I see.” The doctor said with a smile as he came in. He was Caucasian and should be in his fifties. He had an oblong face with a small nose and thin lips. We'd known him for years, all the way from the Stephano household where he was their family doctor. I opened my mouth to make a witty comment in addition to what he just said but suddenly shut it again when Stephano came in behind him.

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