Chapter 21 - Suspicions

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After the afternoon's quick turn of events and spontaneous...activities...Dean and I spent the rest of the afternoon and into the late evening laying in bed, holding each other. We'd both doze in and out of sleep, both sleepy from the events that'd just taken place and succumbing to exhaustion from our lack of sleep over the past few days that we'd spent apart.

We were both still completely nude, our bare skin pressed against one another's as my body curled into Dean's much larger form. During our moments awake, I'd catch Dean running his fingers through my hair or nuzzling into my neck, inhaling my scent that was now uniquely blended with his. Our mate bond was complete. We were complete, and everything felt so serene.

"Are you hungry?" Dean asked me. It was the first time either of us had spoke in hours. We'd simply been enjoying each other's presence after days apart.

"It's nearly ten o'clock," I answered. Surely it was much too late to be eating now.

"I didn't ask what time it was," Dean retorted, a hint of teasing in his voice. "Let me cook you something. It won't happen often, so you should really jump on this opportunity."

I giggled slightly and nodded into his chest, "Okay. Sure, I guess I could use something to eat."

Accepting my answer, Dean slowly rolled away from me and got out of bed, moving towards our dresser to pull on a pair of shorts. He quickly slid them on before heading for the kitchen.

I followed suit, sliding out of bed and hunting down a clean t-shirt and a pair of shorts before going to the bathroom. I quickly cleaned myself up and got dressed and was presented with great soreness as I pulled on my shorts. I suppose that was normal, after one's first time mating.

When I exited the bedroom and walked into the kitchen, I could smell the aroma of food in the air, but I couldn't exactly pinpoint what was cooking. Dean certainly didn't seem like the type to cook often, so I couldn't even imagine what he'd be making.

As I rounded the corner into the kitchen, I saw only a few simple ingredients laid out on the counter, and a slice of bread on the skillet.

I grinned, holding back the laugh that was building in my throat – he was making us grilled cheeses.

Dean looked up from the stove, "There's a reason I told you from the beginning that you'd have to cook all of our meals."

That was it. I couldn't hold it back anymore. A huge, bubbling laugh finally escaped my mouth, making me nearly double over. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, but for the first time ever, they were from happiness.

I don't think I'd ever laughed like that in my entire life. After several seconds of uncontrollable laughter, I was finally able to catch my breath, although my abdominal muscles ached slightly. I looked back up at Dean as I wiped my eyes, a wide smile still painted on my face.

Dean stared at me in awe, and it occurred to me then, that he also hadn't ever seen me so...loose and care-free. This large bout of laughter had shocked both of us.

Deans smirked back at me as he finished up the two grilled cheeses, sliding them onto a plate and then walking over to me. He handed me my plate as he leaned down to softly kiss my lips, "You are so damn beautiful."

My cheeks quickly heated up as I accepted both his kiss and compliment. Dean seemed to be in an equally good mood now, although he had his own way of expressing it.

We both took our seats at the table and quickly ate our sandwiches. My body was thankful for the fuel after our intimate festivities earlier. Who would've thought it could take so much energy out of you?

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