Chapter 6 - First day in the pack

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Chapter Six - First day in the pack

Skylar POV

I woke up at 9 the next morning after being so exhausted from yesterday's events. I looked down and saw Timothy was playing with my hair and singing quietly to himself making me smile

"Morning Timothy" I said as I kissed his cheek and sat up with him on my lap.

"Morning Sky!" he cheered happily still playing with my hair.

"How long have you been awake Timothy?" I asked frowning as I thought he had been up ages.

"A few minutes ago" he said distractedly. We sat in silence for a while as he finished my hair.

"FINISHED!" he cheered giggling, I giggled back.

"Can I look in the mirror now?" I asked making him nod excitedly.

I jumped up and put him on my hip and walked to the bathroom to look in the mirror

My hair was in every direction and had some random braids everywhere, "Wow Timothy, that is great but I need a shower" I said frowning making him frown as well.

"Can you shower tonight so everyone can see your hair?" he asked, well pleaded

I giggled and nodded and kissed his forehead, "Come on let's go get some breakfast. I am starving'' I said just as my stomach rumbled agreeing with me and Timothy's rumbled after mine as well.

I quickly got changed into my shorts from last night and changed Timothy into his clothes he brought which consisted of three quarter trousers and a t-shirt with a car on the front.

I picked him up and put him on my hip again and we walked down the stairs with him directing me a little, I was tickling him as we walked into the dining room because he said he was stronger.

"SK-SK-SKY!!!! haha STOP!!" he screamed out giggling.

"Then say I'm stronger" I bargained

"NEVER!!" he shouted making me tickle him again

"OK OK I GIVE IN YOUR STRONGER!!!" he squealed. I giggled and kissed his forehead,

"Glad you have finally admitted it" I said making him frown and cross his arms

"Don't you dare" I said pointing a finger at him, "You know I don't like it when you frown so stop" I said sternly, he didn't "Ok so I guess I'll have to eat all your breakfast" I said slowly

"NO SKY DON'T EAT MY BREAKFAST!!" he said hugging my neck again

"Then don't frown '' I said to him, he nodded, kissed my cheek and buried his face into my neck.

I looked up and saw everyone in the room looking at me smiling and his mum wiping tears

"Hey Timmy guess who's here" I whispered knowing everyone can hear.

"SANTA?!" he asked sitting up and looking round

I giggled and shook my head "No, mummy!" I said pointing to his mum

"MUMMY!!!" he squealed and started jumping in my arms. I put him down and he ran to his mum and hugged her, then started talking a mile a minute about last night. I smiled and went to the kitchen to get a drink.

I walked back out to the dining room just as Damien, Josh, Daniel and Jacob walked in.

I smiled and they burst out laughing, hanging off each others hands and clutching their stomachs, I frowned confused, "What?" I asked

"Y-Y-YOUR HAIR!!" Josh stuttered out. It took a minute for it to click then I giggled.

"Do you like it? Timmy did it for me this morning, hey maybe he can do yours too!" I said and saw them all frown and shake their heads.

I giggled again and sat down and took another sip of my drink.

"You hungry?" Damien asked as he came and sat next to me, I was about to answer when my stomach beat me to it and rumbled loudly making everyone in the room look at me.

Damien chuckled "I'll take that as a yes, what would you like?" he asked getting up and dragging me with him to the kitchen

"Don't worry I'll make it" I said frowning

"You could" he said "but I am training to be a chef and I want to know what you think" he said blushing slightly

"Awe that is so cool, okay how about, chocolate chip pancakes?" I asked, he nodded

"That is my speciality, the first thing I ever learned to cook," he said, sounding proud of himself, making me giggle and nod.

10 minutes later I had a pile of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me and they were delicious, but I gave Timmy a third of my stack as he hadn't had any breakfast either and I would never eat all that.

After we had finished eating, Timmy wanted to show me around the werewolf town and the human town and where the school is (for if I wanted to stay), Damien also came along and helped Timmy out.

"And this is where you could be going to school" Damien said pointing out the window. I looked and smiled when I saw everyone outside talking and laughing together, no one in their own groups everyone mixed.

"That is so different from my last school" I said "Everyone was in a group and if they associated with anyone outside their group they would be outcasted"

"Well that's stupid, this school is the opposite of yours, there are no groups, everyone gets along, plus or minus the odd person and everyone knows everyone, which can be good and bad" Damien said making me nod thoughtfully.

After a long day I sat with the pack for dinner and spoke with everyone, soon I was laying on my bed thinking, 'After this I have nowhere to go, no friends, no family, no hope of a mate" I thought 'So I guess I'm staying' I said coming to a conclusion.

I will tell Josh and Damien tomorrow.

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