25 || January 7th, 2018

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Aurora || Parker

"Hey Parker! What's up?"

"Uh, I need your advice on something."


"...There's a girl...."

"...Uh what?!"

"There's a girl. That I am interested in."

"....Like, romantically?"

"I, uh, yeah."

"What, is it another counselor?"

"Damn salty....Wait, you aren't jealous, are you?"

"What?! No! That would be ridiculous."

"Right. Ridiculous."



"Anyway! This girl. I'm...so excited, for you, Parker."

"Why is that...?"

"Well, being ready to date means that you're ready. You know, you have to love yourself before you can love someone else? It means, that even though I can't say that your depression is cured, you are getting better!"


"Really....and if this is what being with this girl does to you....then I want to help you."

"Rorie, I...I have to tell you..."

"So, tell me about her."

"I've only known her for a...couple of months, actually."

"Wow. Whipped already?"

"Yeah, well, she's amazing. Really sweet, and patient."


"Cute laugh, too."

"Sounds like you really like her."

"Yeah, I...I do. I have no idea how to tell her. What if she doesn't like me like that?"

"She will, Parker. Any girl would be lucky to...well, date you."


"So, I think the best thing to do is ask her on a date, first."

"So, I use a pick-up line?"

"God no! Well, maybe....a nice one. Nothing cheesy, though."

"Got it."

"Really? What are you thinking?"

"Can I father your children?"


"Kidding, kidding. I was thinking along the lines of, 'You should date me.'"

"That's it? C'mon, Parkington! You're meant to be because....?"

"You can trust that I won't cheat on you because I never leave the house and I hate everyone."

"....How attractive."

"Excuse me--" 

"Anything else?"

"Sometimes I'm funny."


"What, that didn't cut it for you?"

"Well, this isn't about me. It's about this new girl who's just swept you off of your dang feet!"


"Forget it, just...tell me how you're going to sway the girl. What are you going to say?"

"I'll send you obscure memes at 3 in the morning."

"...What a lucky woman."

"I won't ever embarrass you in public because I have crippling social anxiety."

"No, Parker, that won't do."

"...I like pizza?"

"Ooooh, home girl better lock that in."


"You got anything cute?"

"Depends, are you just going to respond sarcastically again?"

"..No promises."

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous."

"Well it's a good thing you know better then, huh?"

"Right. Sorry. Well, my opening lines aren't getting better. Like all I can think of now is, 'I am always ready to make out.'"

"My god..."

"One more? I think you'll really like this one."

"Do I want to know...?"

"You don't have to worry about long-term commitment because I'll probably kill myself in the future."


"Okay, I've got nothing."

"Parker, just be yourself. Just tell her you like her and ask her out. You don't need a clever pick-up line or anything, if she doesn't like you, she's not worth your time."

"Thanks, Rorie. What would I do without you?"

"Suffer, probably."

"Ha, ha."

"So...when are you going to ask her out?"

"Not for a long time."

"...Why's that?"

"We..kind of live in different states."

"What? Have you ever seen her before?"





"You aren't dating anyone, right?"


"Aurora? I didn't scare you off, did I?"


"I have to go, uh, brighten..my...cat's...teeth. Okay, bye!"

"Parker don't--!"


A/N: Sorry for the wait, you guys! Thank you all so much for the votes and reads 💕

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