Chapter Five

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When I wake up the next morning, I'm already up and ready by eight o' clock. I decided that I had to go to the mall and get new clothes, I'll need some more for the fall especially. I leave a note for Sally on the kitchen counter and leave.

When I get there, I notice how empty the parking lot is. I enter the building in the JC Penney's section and head up the stairs. As soon as I turn the corner, I bump into someone.

"Oh, sorry," I stumble with words. When I move to get out of the way, he does the same, then we both try to go the other way, and bump into each other again. We burst out laughing at our horrible walking skills.

"I'm sorry, here," He moves out of the way and gestures for me to go ahead of him.

"Thank you," I smile, heading in the other direction. By the time I'm all done shopping, I ended up going to just about every store in the mall. I guess this is an excuse for not wanting to go back to the house with all the jerks.

I stop by an Auntie Anne's cart and get a soft pretzel, as I leave the checkout, I bump into someone...again. I roll my eyes at my lack of skill to watch where I'm going when I realize the person I bumped into is the same guy as earlier.

"Hey, you again," He chuckles, stuffing his hands in his jeans.

"Yup, me again," I smile.

"What's your name?" He asks, showing off a dimple on his right cheek.

"Tessa, yours?"

"Dylan, hey, want to grab a seat?" He asks me politely.


We end up sitting right outside the mall at a table for two, and I let him share the pretzel with me.

"So, are you new here? I've never seen you around before," He says, taking a sip of the water he ordered.

"Yeah, well, my mom's on a business trip so I'm living with my moms friend at the moment," I answer, biting into my pretzel.

He nods his head and picks up the napkin next to us and scribbles down what I assume is his number.

"Here, give me a call anytime and we could hang out again?" He asks. I nod my head and slip the napkin into my pocket.

"I should probably go, I've been out for a while," I explain, it's true, it's already three o' clock. We ended up talking for over an hour, I didn't even realize that.

"Okay, I'll see you around sometime, bye Tessa," He says, walking away from me.

As soon as I get home, I'm bombarded with questions.

"Where were you?"

"Why didn't you call?"

"Do you realize what time it is?"

"Oh my gosh, chill your butt, I was at the mall," I explain to the boys as they watch me enter my room. They act like my mom sometimes and it's really annoying.

"Hey, my butt is chill, I was just wondering where you were," Ashton explains while lying down on my bed.

"Did I say you could come in?" I snap at his obnoxious smirk.

"No, why do you think I entered?"

I roll my eyes at him and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I undress and get in the shower, scrubbing my body down.

I wrap a towel around my naked body, and knock on the inside of the bathroom door, "Ashton, if you're still in there...leave!"

"It's nothing I haven't seen before!" He yells back. I crinkle my nose at his response, getting annoyed.

"Ashton! I'm serious! Get out!"

"Alright, alright, I'm going," I hear him close a door behind him so I exit the bathroom wrapped in my towel. I pull it off of myself, drying out my hair.

I hear a light chuckle and look to my left, shooting daggers at Ashton who is standing by my window, behind the bathroom door.

I scream a really high pitched scream whilst fiddling with the towel to get it to cover myself. Once it's covering me, I point to the door and scream some more.

"Ashton, get the hell out of here!" I scream at him, "You are such a jerk all the freaking time and I'm done with it!" I can't help the anger boiling inside of me because of this. "Why are you still here? Leave!"

He scrambles out the door, practically tripping over himself. He was probably expecting me to shove him on the bed, but no, I've never been so embarrassed in my life.

I sigh while getting dressed, and exiting the room and into the kitchen. Sally is down making cupcakes, mixing the icing together.

"Hey, Tessa, want to help?" She asks me, licking some of the icing off of her finger.

"Yeah, sure," I respond with a smile, acting like her son didn't try to get me in bed just moments ago. I take over on the mixing and start icing the cupcakes, adding sprinkles to the finish.

"Done," We say in unison and then burst into laughter. She washes her hands and I do the same, grabbing a newly made cupcake when done.

"They're delicious," I moan into the cupcake, it is delicious, the best cupcake I've ever had. Sally really knows what she's doing when it comes to cooking and baking.

"Just so you know, dinner will be ready in just ten minutes, so if you could round up the boys, that would be great," She says while washing the dishes.

"Oh, sure thing," I answer, going up the steps to their bedrooms. I knock on Eric's door first. "Eric, dinner's ready!" I yell through the door.

I peek through the door in Ashton's room, seeing him and some girl on the floor. I cringe at them and skip to Ryan's room. "Ryan, dinner's ready!" As soon as I finish my sentence his door opens and he and a girl exit the room. He readjusts his messed up shirt and hair while she pulls up her way to short skirt.

I watch them as they walk down the hall, Ryan with an unmistakable smirk on his face. I don't know why I haven't moved yet, or blinked, I don't know why seeing him with someone else hurts me so much. I finally regain myself and knock on Ashton's door, mumbling through the crack that dinner is ready.

Ryan's POV (Before Tessa comes up)

I take the skanky girl into my room, pushing her onto the bed while kissing her furiously. She grips my hair and pulls it while I squeeze her hips. My shirt is all tangled already, and her skirt is slowly coming down from me grinding my hips onto her.

Tessa. She's so beautiful. The way her hair falls down perfectly over her face, the way her eyes sparkle with delight when she's happy.

Damnet. Why am I thinking about her while making a move on this girl. I can't help it though, I can't help picturing this girl as Tessa.

There's a knock at the door, and I hear Tessa's voice say that dinner is ready. I jump off of the girl, telling her we should go downstairs and that we'll finish this later. She obliges, and when I open the door, Tessa stands there shocked probably by seeing the girl, but she should get used to this. I fix my hair and shirt and start down the hallway, the girl who's name I don't know is trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

I plaster a smirk on my face from Tessa's shocked expression. I'm glad she thinks I don't like her. What am I talking about? I don't.

Just a heads up, I probably won't be updating for about a week or so, family will be coming over so, I won't have the time. As you can see, I added a Ryan's POV so you could see what he was doing and stuff before Tessa knocked on the door. Anyway, please comment and vote!

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