Chapter 22

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"Our pup...won't walk?" Keith asks, his eyes clouded over with confusion. 

"There is a possibility," Coran says. "If we are lucky and the pod is amble to fix the damage, then possibly your pup will be able to walk. It's too early now to tell. We have to wait until the pup is at least eighteen weeks before we know for sure." 

Keith just sat there in stunned silence. His pup might be disabled and it was all his fault. If only Keith had been a little faster. If only he had realized something was wrong sooner then maybe things would be different.

Keith cried. 

The pack stood back in surprise as their resident hot-headed alpha broke down in fits of sobs. The heartbreaking sound echoed throughout the castle as he wept. Pretty soon the rest of the pack joined him in their cried of agony.

Pidge cried because that pup was going to be her family. Pidge was going to teach them about all sorts of things. She wants nothing more then for the pup to be healthy. Why didn't Pidge do anything? What could she have done differently to avoid this outcome? Pidge cried because of the uncertainty that clouded the air.

Hunk cried for his best friend. Hunk cried for his best friend's mate. But mostly, Hunk cried for his godpup. Hunk was so excited to play with them, and cook with them. But Hunk didn't speak up sooner. Hunk didn't say anything, even when his unease grew. If Hunk had said something sooner...would anything of changed? Hunk cried for the sadness he knew would come from this tragedy.

Shiro cried because this was his pack member. Shiro had failed Lance as a pack Alpha. Shiro had failed Lance as a friend. Shiro had denied that anything was wrong, when in reality, everything was wrong. If Shiro had gone with Keith, would the pup still be a possible handicap? Shiro cried for the guilt that he was drowning in.

Coran cried because of the pain Lance would be in when he awoke. Coran already saw Lance as a son. That pup was like a grandchild to him. Coran was hoping to tell stories to the pup about his life in Altea, much like he does with Lance. Coran has lost so much in his life, and all of that pain was so devastating that Coran wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. Knowing that your pup would face such hardships could destroy any parent. Coran never wanted Lance to feel that pain. Coran cried for the loss that Lance would feel.

Allura cried because the pup would feel alone. As a princess, Allura was never allowed to have friends. She was always alone or surrounded by people that treated her like glass. She had no one to talk to, no one to empathize with. This pup would feel isolated, surrounded by many other able bodied people. No child should ever feel lonely. To know that someone so close to you would have to watch as their pup grew up alone is one of the most devastating things to feel. Allura cried because of the shared pain this pup would go through. 

Keith wept.

Keith sobbed for the loss of his child. Keith screamed for justice, wishing more than death on the witch that cursed his pup with a heavy fate. Keith wanted to be optimistic. He wanted to throw his head back, laugh at the fear and say "If anyone can push through it, it's Lance." He wanted to take comfort in the fact that it's not definite yet. But Keith couldn't. All Keith could do was cry.

He was helpless. 

Keith felt arms wrap around him, and he smelt the comforting scent of his pack. Thought the room stank with distress, Keith felt safe in the arms of his family. He felt as though he could be vulnerable with them, that it was okay to show weakness. So that's what he did. 

Keith cried because that was his pup. His pup and his mate that he failed to protect. His mate who would be devastated to find out that their pup might be disabled. His pup who might have to face challenges that mos people can't even fathom. Keith cried because his second chance at a family was screwed up because Keith was a horrible mate. Because Keith was horrible alpha. 

Because Keith was a horrible father. 

Keith didn't save Lance in time and now he would have to face those consequences. Keith and Lance would love their pup no matter the outcome, of course, but how could Keith look at his pup in the eyes everyday knowing that it was his fault they couldn't walk?

That it was his fault they couldn't dance? Or swim? Or run? Or play? 

Keith hoped that Lance would forgive Keith. Keith loved Lance and he loved their pup, but what if Lance hated Keith for failing to protect them like he said he would? Would Lance reject Keith, let their mate mark fade off his neck. 

Would Lance find another alpha better than Keith to raise their pup with?

The immense hatred that bubbled up in Keith's chest at the notion of another alpha with Lance, his Lance, was so strong. That won't happen! Keith won't allow it! Keith loves Lance far too much to ever let him go.

But what could Keith do to make up for this? Is there anything in the world that could make this feel right? That could make it seem just?  The only thing Keith could think of was killing that witch.

But Keith already killed her? He ripped her apart. Tore out her neck. Haggar was dead so what else could Keith do to make Lance understand that he was sorry? Keith didn't know what to do. The only thing he could do was wait for Lance to come out and pray that Lance waited long enough for an explanation before he made a decision.

The whooshing of the pod brought Keith out of his head. He raced forward, arms outstretched to catch Lance. Lance landed in Keith's arm and Keith rumbled softly, nuzzling his face into Lance's scent glands. Lance cracked one eye open and looked around. Then understanding clicked into his eyes and he shot up.

"Keith! How's our pup?!" Lance screamed, clutching Keith like a live boat. Keith took a shuddering breath.

It's now or never. 

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