Untitled Part 1

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Dear Nicolas, 

My son, you betrayed me greatly. You had children out of wedlock and then you decide to bring that harlot, the mother of those bastards, to our residence to resolve this everlasting conflict, yet you failed miserably. I thought your father and I installed this into you and your brothers' minds since you were toddlers; marriage first, children second. Your brothers listened, especially Madison as it seemed to come instinctively. Married at 16, no children in sight. Not only did you betray me, you contaminated the family's name and honor and disobeyed God's commands. You were raised by the Lord, you were taught to follow every word in The Bible, yet you discarded every last one of them. Did you expect me to welcome them with open arms and smiles? It would be a sin if I even thought of doing that. I will not consider those children of yours my "grandchildren" unless you man-up and marry Elise. She's a toxin, an unholy spirit who will not be allowed in this house unless a diamond ring is rested on her finger.

Remember, my love is conditional. My love is as long as an hour and as far as the distance between Paducah and Louisville. Right now, I have a greater love for The Bible than you. My love is never unconditional, not for you, your brothers or your father. I love you conditionally, I love you under certain circumstances and the circumstance that you caused yourself is the reason why you're not receiving any affection or love from me. A mother should not be obligated to love her children, especially when she was betrayed by one of them.


Erica Riley-Hunt

Dear Mother,

I acknowledge what I've done goes against our principles, but loving me conditionally isn't what I need. I'm a Pariah in this family and the only thing that will make me sturdier and less stressful is unconditional love. The only person I betrayed is myself. I, a nineteen-year-old man, is old enough to be held accountable for my actions. I promised myself that I'll have children after marriage, not you. I broke my own promise, I betrayed myself, yet it's no one else's fault, especially my children. My children being illegitimate does not erase the fact that they are your grandchildren and they will refer to you as their grandmother. I'm disappointed by your immaturity, disrespectful, and nefarious way of thinking. Do not compare me to my brothers because we are siblings and we made different decisions in our life, which means there is no room for comparison.

How dare you call Elise a harlot? She's only been with one man: me. For someone who claims that God's judgment is the only one people should follow, you do A LOT of judging. A child is not exempt from your judgment.

You're too religious for my taste, constantly allowing God to control your thoughts and actions. Please, for once in your life, be the dictator of your life! I will always be your son, you will always be my mother. There's no gray area in this situation. Despite all of the turmoil you and I went through, I still love you, unconditionally at that. I understand that you feel betrayed, but that's no excuse to stop loving me. A mother's duty is to love her child, even if they do something she totally disagrees with. Between a mother and her child, her love should have no barriers.



Dear child,

A mother's love should not have any barriers unless her son deliberately betrays her. Your letter was cute, but your attempt to change my thoughts about you failed. "You're too religious for my taste," does not change the fact that I am a grandma to two bastards. It's painful to write, it's agonizing to comprehend. On a side note, you're an asinine boy to say I can't compare you to your brothers. They are simply better than you and they have respect for their parents and God. They didn't allow lust to overcome them like you did. Their partners have a diamond ring on their finger, but I look at Elise's and it's naked, just like how the two of you were before you had those seedlings. You do not dictate me, God does and therefore, I will love you conditionally without remorse. You are my son because I gave birth to you, but you will not have my love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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