Unexpected And Unwanted Feelings

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As I got to history class, I saw that the room was already filled with students. I looked around the classroom for a seat and regrettably, I saw that the only available seat was beside Logan.

I was good in avoiding him these past weeks but now the universe decided to work against me. I sigh inwardly and walked over to the seat to the right of him. I didn't make eye contact with him at all. I held my attention in front of me on the seat and continue walking.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reached the seat and sat down. I got my books ready for class and pretended like he wasn't there. I've been doing this every time in history class, but now that he was actually sitting beside me, it won't be that easy. However, I'm going to try my best. I'm just going to ignore him for the entire class time. Yes, I could do that.

That plan went down the drain when I heard Logan spoke up. "It's been a while since we sit together. I've missed that."

"Don't get used to it." I retort still not looking around at him. Why did we have to have a class together anyways?

"I am going to get used to it." Logan persisted. "Because I'm still waiting on the day for you to miss me as much as I've missed you and finally leave that good for nothing boyfriend of yours."

I turned around to face him then. I couldn't help it. "There's no way we are getting back together Logan."

"You're only telling yourself that now." Logan said confidently.

"Didn't we agree that after I listened to you that you'll leave me alone?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I can't stop thinking about you, about us." Logan stated. "It kills me to see you with him. Come on Emily, isn't it time for us to move on from this?"

"You should have thought of all that before you got into bed with Trisha." I snapped. I then turn back around and continue to ignore him. I didn't want to continue this pointless conversation.

Can someone be so full of themselves?

Thankfully, the teacher came and began her class. For the entire class time, I continued to ignore him and before you know it, class ended. Grateful that I survived class without another word from Logan, I stood up instantly and left the classroom before he could stop me. I walked to my locker and put away my books. After, I walked to the cafeteria.

When I got to the cafeteria, Victoria was already there sitting at our table. I got my lunch and went over there.

"Can Logan be anymore arrogant?" I grumbled as I sat down and placed my tray on the table.

Victoria looked up at me as she put a chicken nugget into her mouth. "What did he do?"

I relayed the events at history class to Victoria. "Why didn't I know about this side of him before?" I asked when I was finished.

"Apparently, there's a lot of things you don't know about him. I'm guessing he was always like that, but you didn't noticed because you were smitten with him." Tori surmised.

"I guess you're right." I replied, looking up when I noticed Tyler entering the cafeteria. As he walked over to the cafeteria line, a girl from the cheer leading team walked over to him and started to flirt with him. It was obvious that she was trying to get his attention.

I turned my attention back to my lunch as I felt my heart rate quicken and my stomach drops. I felt my hands tremble as I took up my taco and bring it to my mouth. I didn't know why it did that, but I knew I didn't like it. I mean, why would I care that a gorgeous girl was trying to get his attention? We weren't really dating after all, so I shouldn't care.

But telling myself that didn't stop my heart from racing or my mind to stop swirling with unwanted thoughts. Why was I feeling like this? After all, there's no way I'm developing feelings for Tyler. No way.

"Are you okay, Emily?" Tori asked looking at me suspiciously.

I tried to clear all thoughts of Tyler from my head and nod. "Yes, of course."

Tori still looks at me unconvinced but didn't say anything because Seth appeared from nowhere and sat at our table, followed by Tyler soon after.


When I got home that evening, I saw that Dad and Sarah were home. I walked into the living where they were both sitting. When I entered, they turn to face me, smiling happily.

"What's going on?" I asked as I looked from one to the other with a confused expression.

"We have some great news, Emily." Dad supplied. He then looked at Sarah indicating for her to speak.

"We are going to have a baby!" Sarah exclaimed. "I'm pregnant."

My eyes widen at her revelation and a big smile came over my face. "Are you serious?" I asked, looking at her and then to Dad.

"Yes." Sarah said nodding her head. Dad nodded his head as well. "I'm six weeks along."

"That's great!" I declared, walking over to where she sat on the couch and hugged her. I was really happy to hear this news. I've always wanted a brother or sister and now I'm going to get one.

When I pulled away from Sarah, Dad said. "To celebrate, we're all going out to dinner this evening."

"Really?" I asked looking at Dad.

"Yes. It's been a long time since we go out to eat and this is as good a time as any." Dad explained. "We are leaving at six. I've made dinner reservations for seven."

"Thanks Dad." I replied still with a smile on my face. I then turned away from them and head upstairs to my room.

AN: Hey!

I'm here again with another update! :)

I really hope you have enjoyed this chapter ❤

Once again, thank you for reading and giving my story a chance. Please don't forget to vote. I'll really appreciate that 😊

Stay super awesome! 😍


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