Chapter Forty-Six

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Where Lety had been comfortable with driving in silence, Lenaia couldn't stand the quiet. Unfortunately for her, May didn't have it in her to answer the litany of questions she threw her way. So to fill the void, Lenaia simply talked.
"I am so glad it was my turn to pick up this month's shipment for the bar," she said, talking loudly over the incessant growl of the truck's engine. "I mean, what are the chances we'd find each other like that?"

May offered a small smile. "I really appreciate you giving me a lift."

"Of course!" Lenaia replied. "Let's see, what've you missed over the last... year? Have you already been gone a year?"

May nodded, feeling just as amazed as Lenaia sounded. The fact that she was actually back on Hoku after all this time still hadn't sunk in.

Lenaia eased the truck onto the narrow, two-lane road that connected the north and south halves of the island before continuing. "Your brother moved into your treehouse. Not, like, took it over or anything like that. He just wanted to keep the kids in town from rooting around in it. You know how kids are - they can't resist the siren song of a treehouse, especially one as badass as yours."

"I'm glad," May said, watching the north shore fade in the rearview mirror. "There's no one else I'd rather have it to be honest."

"Seriously," Lenaia agreed with a grin. "Kai's such a good dude. I'm telling you, if I were even remotely interested in dating, I'd make a move."

At this, May actually managed to laugh. "I don't think he'd know what to do with himself." She peered at Lenaia out of the corner of her eye. "Have your parents finally given up on trying to get you to settle down?"

It was no secret Lenaia's family had long been exasperated by their daughter's complete disinterest in finding love. They expected her - like most parents in Omea did of their own children - to get married and bring them grandchildren. But May had known Lenaia her entire life and, as the story went, Lenaia had been kissed once and promptly swore the whole thing off. She didn't date or pine for romance, and it frustrated her parents to no end.

There was a twinkle of delight in Lenaia's eyes as she snuck a quick glance back at May.

"Actually, I decided to take a page from your book."

May blinked, confused. "What do you mean?"

"You standing up to your parents and deciding to run off with Em inspired me." For a split-second Lenaia looked as close to bashful as she could get. "I told my family to lay off. I have no interest in being in a relationship or makin' babies and shit. I said if they really loved me, they were just going to have to accept that."

"You did?" May couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How'd they handle that?"

"Not great at first, but..." Lenaia hesitated, licking her lips and shooting May another look. "Well, to be honest, after you left I think they were worried I might get a little too inspired, if you know what I mean. I think they realized accepting me as I am was better than losing me altogether."

Her words wrapped around May's heart like a vice. She thought of her own parents and wondered if they were regretting how they'd handled things.

"I guess I've always been a bit of a cautionary tale, haven't I?"

"Actually, you've become a bit of a legend since you left."

May raised a doubtful eyebrow. "I have?"

"Oh yeah." Lenaia was grinning again, her perfectly painted coral lips stretching tall in the corners. "After the spectacular way you disappeared? And what happened to Kane? I gave up on keeping up with all the rumors."

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