Why did it have to rain?

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You were about to leave your best friend's birthday party and then it started raining. " It had to rain now." you said to yourself. You tried to call you boyfriend Jungkook but your phone died. You then decided to wait for a taxi cab but none came. "I guess I'll have to run." you thought. You began running and then you slipped and fell. You hurt your knee and your ankle but you kept running. Finally you got home. You rang the doorbell and Jungkook came to answer it. " (your name here) You're soaking wet! Come in quickly!" You came in shivering and your fell down. You woke up and it was already morning. " (Your name here)! Are you feeling okay?" Jungkook asked you. " M-M-My leg hurts really badly." You said feeling weak. A tear fell from Jungkook's eyes. " I'll make you some soup okay?" You nodded. A few minutes later Jungkook came with some Top Ramen. " Here, I hope this will make you feel better.

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