chapter fourteen

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At twenty-six weeks pregnant, Rory planned her wedding alongside her fiancée.

They sat in front of a spread of papers that Rory had printed, comparing different venues, food, bouquets and decor. Rory had begun planning, and when Rory was planning, nothing could hold her back.

They had both been under a lot of stress, since they had chosen to have the wedding in a month. There was a ton of things to do before then.

They wanted to be married before the baby came, but not too close to Rory's due date that they couldn't enjoy the late part of her pregnancy without worrying about the wedding. So, a month away seemed like the perfect time to have it.

"Yes, I know that it's last minute, but we were wondering if you were available to cater," Rory's sister, Ashlyn, entered the room, speaking on the phone on their behalf. She had come down to help with the planning of Rory's wedding, again, and had been a lot of help.

Rory appreciated all of the work that Noah had done for their wedding since now, she had to do all of it. She had help, though, thank God.

"You can?" Ashlyn asked, sounding surprised, "Yes! Thank you!" She hung up raising her fist into the air in celebration, "We have food!"

"Yes!" Sadie exclaimed, on hold on a call of her own, "Thank God for you, Ashlyn," She grinned.

They had chosen to hold the wedding outside, at a golf course that made a gorgeous venue. They had already gone to see it two weeks ago, booking it as soon as they saw. Sadie and Rory had decided to hold the wedding on a Thursday, mostly because every other day was booked for everything, so they would have ended up having a wedding in an alleyway without food, but also because it was different.

They weren't inviting many people since they didn't have very many friends together and almost all of Rory's former friends did not want to talk to her. The wedding would mostly be family, with a few exceptions.

In Sadie's bridal party, she had both of her brothers and her sister. She knew that her bridal party probably shouldn't be mostly boys, but they deserved a role in their wedding. Sadie had invited most of her friends to the wedding, majorly only the ones who had met or talked to Rory before. If they hadn't been close enough to meet her fiancée, they weren't close enough friends to invite to the wedding.

Rory's bridal party included Ashlyn and Nadya, who had recently become very supportive considering her new role as an aunt. Rory wasn't sure about it, but she figured that it couldn't hurt much to give her best friend since childhood a role in her second wedding.

Rory couldn't help but see the difference in size of the guest list and her bridal party, compared to her wedding with Noah. She truly had been able to see who her real friends were after she fled and none of them bothered to get in touch with her. She wasn't sure why she even became close enough with those girls for them to be her bridesmaids.

When Rory looked at her life now, she felt nothing but happiness. She felt complete, even though she had lost many people along the way. Truly, she had only lost the people that weren't important.

Rory felt the baby kicking and smiled. Every time that it happened, she was reminded that there was another living being growing inside of her, an unborn child that needed her nurturing and care to grow healthy. She was overwhelmed by the responsibility but loved that this child was hers.

She hadn't even met her yet, but Rory knew that the amount of love she felt for that baby would greatly surpass her love for anyone else. This was just how it was, she had grown this child inside of her, it was her child. She wished that they had decided on a name, so Rory knew what she would refer to the baby as.

"Have you thought about a dress yet?" Ashlyn asked Sadie, who still hadn't gone dress shopping, clasping her hands together.

"I don't know who I would go with," Sadie shrugged. Her family was back home and would be coming for the wedding in a month. She didn't have many friends that she was very close to, so she assumed that she would be going alone.

"I'll go with you," Ashlyn volunteered immediately, shocked that that was the only reason Sadie had been putting off going looking for a wedding dress. It was an easily resolvable problem that could have been resolved ages ago.

"Sure," Sadie said, surprised. She had only met Ashlyn a few times, so she didn't think that she would jump at the opportunity to spend hours finding a wedding gown, "but do you mind if we video chat my brother while we do it? I promised him that he could help choose,"

"Of course, it's your day!" Ashlyn exclaimed.

"Sadie," Rory called out before they left, "can you make a stop at the bank while you're out?" She asked her fiancée.

Sadie groaned, "You know I hate banks. They freak me out," Sadie said, throwing her head back. Her parents' fear of banks had been passed down to her, after years of speaking about it. They had always been scared of a bank being robbed while they were there, something they always saw on television, so they never went.

Rory sighed, "Fine, I'll go later," She said, then smiled. She waved goodbye to her sister and her fiancee and went back into her bedroom.

With that, the two left the apartment, ready to find a boutique that sold wedding dresses with a month advance. Rory wished them luck, it was hard enough to find her dress two weeks prior.

Rory couldn't help the amount of excitement she felt whenever she thought of marrying Sadie. She couldn't believe that she could feel this amount of love. The number of things that she had felt since Sadie had come into her life was indescribable. She finally understood what everyone had been talking about her whole life, the things that all the romance novels described, but Rory always thought was fiction. She loved Sadie more than she thought was humanly possible. She loved everything about her.

Sadie had become her beacon of light in the darkness. She helped Rory through decisions, problems, anything. Another surprising thing was that Rory couldn't keep her hands off her. With Noah, she had never felt like any of the ways Sadie made her feel. Had she gone along with the wedding, with her marriage to Noah, she would have missed out on a lot.

She couldn't believe that she had ever regretted fleeing from the wedding.

Sure, she regretted not doing it sooner. She regretted hurting Noah, embarrassing him in front of everybody, wasting money like that, but she didn't regret fleeing.

Leaving that wedding to be with Sadie was the best thing she had ever done.


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