BLP won IPK Charm Awards!

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I am extremely happy to relay the news that BLP is the WINNER in IPK Charm Awards -Revenge Category.  Thanks to all you lovely people out there who voted for Best Laid Plans. It wouldn't have been possible without your support and votes. YOU have made it happen! This is the FIRST award my story has won on Wattpad and it means a lot to me.

Can't say it enough- Wouldn't have been possible without you wonderful people. Love ya to the moon and back!!


A word of thanks to IPK Charm Judges and the team as well. You all have done a fab job. Best of luck with your future endeavors.

PS: I would like to take this opportunity to request my readers to let me know if they come across any eligible Award Competitions around Wattpad. I've just missed the entry deadline for the very prestigious Fiction Awards 2018 due to my ignorance. I want to enter BLP in as many as possible and give my work at least a fighting chance for recognition on this vast platform. 

Hoping for your support. Thank you so much.

Best Laid Plans (Published)Where stories live. Discover now