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"Whoa, it is so crowded here."

I hugged Sara's arm tightly as we walked through a group of people. How will I survive when there is this large amount of strangers?

"It's okay, it's okay." Sara assured me whilst patting my head.

"D-Don't ever l-leave me, okay?" I stuttered out.

"But if I don't leave you, how can you possibly tell him?"

"Just. Don't leave me." I left her with no argument.

She rolled her eyes, before widened them, "Oh hey, look! There are some vacant seats, over there." She pointed at a direction and then pulled me along to the seats. After we've settled in, I checked my phone to see that I've got 2 unread messages. They were from Sean.

Sean: Have you arrived?

Sean: Where are you?

I smiled and texted back.

Me: I've arrived. I'm at seat number 7.

Sean: Wait there, I'm coming.

"Such a gentleman, I see." I heard Sara said from beside me. I glanced at her and saw that she's peeking to see my messages with Sean. I hurriedly locked my phone to hide it from her, though it was too late.

"Someone's shy." She said in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up," I hid my now pinkish face with my palms.

She just chuckled. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, indicating someone was calling her. She looked at the id--well, me too--and saw that Charlie was calling her. She immediately grinned widely before answered the call.

"Hello?....okay, hold on." She turned to face me and mouthed, 'I'm gonna take this somewhere else'.

I vigorously shook my head, obviously afraid to be alone in this crowd. She pouted and mouthed 'please' with her puppy eyes, and I instantly gave in. I sighed and nodded.

After she was gone, I could feel that my palms were starting to get sweaty. I rubbed them on my thighs in hope the sweats would go away. I also bounced my knees several times, to ease the feeling of uneasiness I felt.

Suddenly someone held my hand. I jerked my head up to see who it was. It was Sean. He smiled softly at me and I smiled back at him. He took Sara's seat and faced me completely.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently, almost like asking a baby.

"T-to-totally." I stuttered. Oh God. Now that I've finally noticed my feelings for him, it's getting harder and harder to face him.

He sighed and rubbed my hand gently, soothing me. We sat there, staring into space for a couple minutes of comfortable silence, before I realized something.

"D-Don't you have to get ready?" I asked him curiously.

"Our game won't start until 11." He explained.

I nodded in understanding. Then, I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:45 a.m. My eyes immediately poked out, "It is in 15 minutes! You are not even wearing your team clothes yet, go!" I panicked.

He chuckled at my sudden outburst. "Okay...mom."

"Yes, go, son." I mocked him. He rolled his eyes playfully before he got up.

He was just starting to walk away when he suddenly turned back to me. "Are you okay for being alone here?" He asked.

I smiled assuringly and shook my head. "It's completely fine. Sara will be here later, too."

He sighed and muttered something to himself before giving me a quiet 'okay'. With that, he went to get ready for the game.

Sean's team has won the game, as always. People didn't even bother to cheer since they've been expecting this.

I'm currently seated on my seat, too nervous to get up. If I got up, it means that I need to go to him, and I'm still not fully ready for that. Sara just kept assuring me, telling me that it'll all be just fine, but I'm still not convinced.

"Come on, man up!" Sara patted my back, well, a little too hard I might say.

"Ouch! Watch it." I glared at her.

She smiled sheepishly, "Sowwy," she batted her eyelashes. "But seriously though, all you need to do is go to him, and tell him that you love him. It's simple, really!"

Easier said than done.

"What is simple?" A voice boomed from behind us. Uh oh. I think I recognize who this voice belongs to.

Sara and I turned around real slowly, to face with the one and only Sean Alexander William. Our eyes widened as our guess was right.

Sara looked here and there. "Uh, uh, I-I need t-to go n-now, uh," she paused, "Charlie! Yes, I have a date with Charlie. Bye!"

And poof! She disappeared.

Sean took a step forward towards me with a scowl clearly displayed on his face, which made me stood up abruptly from my previous seat. He took another step forward, while I took a step backward.

"H-Hi..." I tried to greet him. He didn't give a response, just stared intently at me as he continued his steps towards me, slowly but intimidatingly.

Soon, he succeeded in wrapping his arms around my waist before I could even blink. I struggled to get out of his hold but he just wouldn't budge.

"You love someone?" He hissed.


"I am asking if you love someone." He stated.


"Who is he?"


"Do I know him?"

I looked down on my shoes as if they are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. Sean put his thumb and fore finger on my chin and lifted my head up, so our eyes are locked with each other.

I saw something on his face. Something like, pain?

"Please, I need to know." He begged. Are those tears, I see in his eyes?

With that look on his face, I just couldn't resist to tell him the truth. So I told him, in a whisper.

"Come again, baby?"

"I..love.." you.

He suddenly hugged me very tightly, I have difficulties to breathe. He burried his face into the crook of my neck, inhaling my scented skin deeply.

"Did I hear it right? You said you love me?" He asked against my skin.

I nodded slowly, but then remembered that he couldn't see me. So I spoke out, "Ye-Yes."

His grip around me tightened and he burried his face further into my neck. Soon after that he kissed it, slowly, then trailing up to my jaw and to my cheek. My face reddened as his lips trailed slowly to the corner of mine, gently and soothingly kissing it.

Then he said something which I just realized I've been craving to hear, since he found me sitting on the floor in the school's hall.

"I love you so much."


The end.

I'm sorry guys but this is it! They have confessed their love towards each other, so it's a happy ending!

But who knows, maybe I'm going to make a sequel 😏

But it won't be updated before December, because I need to focus on my examination till then. Please bear with me 🙇

Thank you for choosing my story, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.

Please do me a favour and leave a vote or/and a comment. One single comment is enough to make my day❤

Until next time! Xo

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