Truths out

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At 3 o'clock in the morning, the first year Gryffindor's dormitory was alive with the sound of screams. 

Harry was thrashing around in his sleep screaming. His Aunt and Unlce were telling him he was a freak, advancing on him with a whip. The whip slashed through the air but as it made contact with Harry's skin, it turned into a snake, and began circuling him, hissing dangerously. The dursleys stood laughing as Harry screamed. Then Ron was there, laughing with Hermione and Neville, pointing at him, shouting insults. Unlce Vernon's work friends arrived and they dragged him into the middle of the room, playing with him, passing him around, hurting him as he screamed. A green light flashed and next minute harry was running, as a fast and as far as he could, he saw the head lights of a silver car coming towards him- 

He let out an almighty scream as he opened his eyes. Sweat was trickling behind his glasses, causing his eyes to sting. He could here voices all a round him. Ron was by his side, his face white and terrified. Harry retched and threw up over the side of his bed. His head was pounding and he was stuggling to breathe.

"Harry?" It was the concerned voice of Professor McGonagall. "Okay calm down, nice and easy now, everything's okay". Harry nodded, quickly wiping his tears from his face. "Come with me harry" she said, holding his arm, guiding him to the common room. She told everyone else to stay and go back to bed. Harry went without complaint, he was still recovering from his dream and Professor McGonagall's voice was warm and comforting. It was the first time he'd ever been comforted after a nightmare.

McGonagall sat him down on a comfy red armchair and summoned a hot chocolate for him, which Harry took but didn't drink. He was drenched in sweat, his emerald eyes deadened by the hardship that was his life. 

"Would you like to talk to me about it?"the  Professor asked tentatively. Harry shook his head, he was still shaking. McGonagall put a comforting hand on his shoulder but harry had to prevent himself from crying out in pain. It was the shoulder he had fell on a few days before.  

"Is there anyone you would like to talk to harry?" 

Once again harry shook his head without looking up. He was ashamed to be seen so scared. 

"Harry let's go up to see madam Pomfrey okay? She'll check you out and maybe give you a calming draught" 

"No" Harry finally spoke "honest professor it was just a bad dream". He looked up and saw Professor McGonagall looking doubtful. "It's nothing really, im fine". He didn't know why he kept telling people he was fine. 

"Even so, there's no harm-" she began kindly but Harry cut her off. 

"It's not necessary I feel fine now, thanks for the hot chocolate" he said as he placed the still full cup, down onto a round coffee table. "I think I'll just go back to sleep now, I'm quite tired."

Professor McGonagall looked concerned but she allowed Harry to go back to bed. She wondered what on earth could have made the boy so hysterical. 


Harry was exhausted the next day. He hadn't slept a wink after his chat with McGonagall, it was hard not to fall asleep in lessons. He gathered that rumours had spread about last night, even his teachers were being extremely nice; Professor Flitwick didn't say a word when Harry was looking out the window, completely unaware that he had been asked a question. Ron and Hermione were sticking to him like glue, shooting concerned glances at him as if he was going to self implode any minute. This made it impossible for him to sneak off and see Rolly and the others in the kitchens. 

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