Don't Order Me Around!

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We both stared in absolute shock and disgust at each other. How could he possibly like something I like?! That's absolutely ridiculous! Soccer is my life. I eat, breath and sleep soccer. How could this douche bag like my sport!? I could tell from the disgust in his eyes that he felt the same way.

"I... have something in common... with HER!?" he choked. 

The teacher smiled and closed her notebook, "It would appear so. Now, I expect you two to work on your relationship outside of class as well as in. After all, you two will be helping each other learn the wonderful language of German for a full school year."

We both cringed at the word "relationship". I almost gagged at the sound of the word. How on earth could someone make me dread a class in the matter of seconds? I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I couldn't wrap my head around how he could hate me based on nothing more than the fact that I was a grade younger than him. He doesn't know me, yet he feels like he has the right to judge me? I don't know what stick he has up his butt, but I'm about 2 seconds away from replacing it with size 9 cleat!

"With all due respect Ms. Ash, I don't think I can work together with this... this thing!" he says motioning to me as if I were some deformed beast.

My mouth drops, offended. "'Thing?' Are you serious?! What are you, five!?"

"Enough! Both of you! You will act like civil human beings to each other, or so help me I'll give you detention every Saturday until school ends! And if that doesn't work I'll have you two suspended!" she threatened.

I swallowed whatever words that were about to tumble out of my mouth and shrunk back in my seat. I've never been in trouble in all my life! And now, because of this jerk wad, I'm being threatened with detention and suspension! 

Before we could say anything else she dismissed us. We walked out of her room in silence, and we were half way to the cafeteria when he finally spoke. "Listen soph-y. I don't like you and you don't like me. If it weren't for this stupid class I wouldn't associate myself with lower classmen. But for this I guess I will make an exception-"

I cut him off before anymore idiotic statements could tumble out of his mouth,"What the hell is your issue?! I'm just a grade below you! I'm not a child, so stop treating me like one!"

He rolled his eyes and continued as if I hadn't even spoke, "You will not talk to me outside of class unless it is absolutely necessary. You will not talk of me to any of your soph-y friends. Lastly we are not friends. Understand?"

 "Like I would want to be friends with someone like you? Sorry I have better taste than that!" I snapped.

 "Right back at you." He spat.

I rolled my eyes and pushed passed him. "Whatever."

I walk into the cafeteria agitated and ready to punch a wall. We sit on opposite sides of the cafeteria with our own group of friends, yet we can't help but glare at each other from across the room.

This was gonna be a long year...

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