Murder in North - Chapter 2

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So Martin chose North. 

It was in the middle of April, the city was covered by snow, void of people in the streets where the non-talkative Nordic estate agent, not so unlike the typical blond blued-eyed tall guy, commonly known as Viking, showed several apartments in a couple of fancy areas. Martin refused to see more of apartments in the city after those exclusive viewings. He explained they need a house, outside of the city, especially he wants to see, on a daily basis, a wood behind or in front or beside of the house, waterfront if possible in their budget. He could do with one or two Bambis at times, a swimming pool is not a necessity, but preferable. The taciturn Viking unexpectedly called Martin two days later while Martin was staying on one of the city's archipelago that Anna and Benji loved. The Viking drove less than a half hour from the boat terminal in the city where he had picked up Martin and his family to arrive to the house on sale. It took two seconds for Martin to declare he would buy the house without even seeing the inside. Anna, knowing Martin from 25 years of life together, didn't even bother to slow down the process, as it would be a pointless and humiliating battle. Benji, breaking an enormous smile that could cover the whole universe, agreed instantly with Martin without even looking at Anna. The two of them locked their arms, hugged and Martin patted cheerfully Benji's shoulder while the Viking locked up the entrance door.

The house was huge and correspondingly expensive. There was no house behind, but a steep stonewall linking graciously a wood full of tall birch trees, just like Martin wished. A mini swimming pool was discretely integrated in the minimalistic garden that could have been Martin's own design, a grey box in concrete with no frills. The green grass was a minimum version as well, yet well-tailored, some easy-going flowers and carefree trees were effortlessly planted. Anna scanned the situation and the beautiful scenery in awe, not so sure about the roots of the mixed feelings, asking herself why the discrete fear weighed a bit more than wonder. Inside, Martin and Benji ran directly from one room to another, making the signature noise from their favorite video game and its jingle. Three large rooms on the entry floor were already baptized by Martin, which one is for whom. On the upper floor, there was a large and sleek kitchen with latest technologies in every hardware that come along in the purchase. Watching Martin and Benji, and their newborn doubtless love for the house, which happens to be located in a frozen country whose fame mostly originated from the notorious darkness in the winter time, the Viking wasn't quite sure if Martin understod April wouldn't last forever.

Anna was relieved when she came into the living room, directly attached to the kitchen, but conveniently separated by a modern chimney. The vast space calmly revealed its splendid air facing the water view on the right side of the panorama window. The white curtains were hanging grandly from the ceiling to the floor, covering the spring icy light. The Viking sensed even Anna's liking for the house, especially when she found out the curtain was also included. And so he promptly presented the price of the property. He said the annex, almost as big as half of the main house could be used for temporary renting, of course. The house is after all located in an exclusive area, and the demand from tourists was constant throughout the year even though it is a bit out of the city centre. Not that the current owner needed extra income, but the family found amusing to host international tourists who were curious about this part of the city. The expensive, prestigious and protected territory in one of the countries who stand for equality. Martin cut the chase of the Viking's sales speech, and accepted the price. As if the Viking felt guilty about a way too easy task, he added that the design interested wealthy owner with his interior architect wife built the house just five years ago without knowing he would be relocated to another continent, a warm place that he always dreamt of. Hence the somewhat surprisingly reasonable price for such a property. And the owner's not so surprising need to sell it as quickly as possible. Martin signed the necessary pappers on the same day. Anna hugged him from behind when he was going through the contract in front of the panorama window in the late afternoon, and she whispered congratulations for their new adventure. Martin locked him out of Anna's arms without even faking the least his not so mutual gesture of affection. He shook her off as if he was throwing away a winter jacket, entering a well-heated place where one doesn't even remember why he ever had worn a warm jacket at the first place. An almost unconscious act, his skill at default mode. Anna froze just as always, didn't move her gaze from Martin's back until he followed the Viking to see the annex.

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