Part 4

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The king, queen and prince were seated around a long table in the dining room and were having their breakfasts. I stood next to the window along with the other four maids and Lady Anne. There were a few other butlers there serving them as well.

The prince kept stealing glances at me from time to time and would look at his food when I felt his eyes and stared back at him. The queen noticed his gaze and turned her head towards me. I quickly looked down.

"Oh my, we have a new face among the maids today," the queen chimed.

All of their attention was now on me.

I panicked.
What do I do? Introduce myself? Do I have the rights to speak to the queen?

I bit my lips, still looking down.

Lady Anne spoke up, "Yes, Your Majesty. Today is her first day working here."

The queen smiled at me and clasped her hands, "Really? Welcome, dear. What's your name? Where did you come from?"

I slowly looked up at her, "Violet, Your Majesty. But... I actually don't know where I came from."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Why?" She squinted her eyes at me and mumbled, "Have I see-"

"I found her unconscious by the river while horse-riding," the prince interrupted. "When she woke up yesterday, she seemed to have lost all her memories."

The queen gasped, "That's terrible. You must be scared now, poor thing."

"Why did you become a maid?" The king suddenly asked me. His gaze was so powerful but seemed to hold sadness and empathy for me.

I opened my mouth to answer but the reason sounded quite embarrassing now that I thought about it. I hesitated a little.

"I... wanted to pay him back for saving my life," I let out. "Since I don't remember where I came from or who I was, I don't have anything else to give as my gratitude."

The king and queen seemed surprised but nodded understandingly.

"You seem like a good hearted, kind young lady. I like you. Tell you what, you should work here until you regain your memories. That way, you don't have to worry about things like finding a place to stay," the queen beamed.

I smiled at her, "Yes, thank you Your Majesty."

The king agreed and smiled a little, "Don't overexert yourself, you're injured after all."

I was moved by their care and concern for me. It felt as if they treated me like their own child. I knew it wasn't like that but I couldn't help feeling that way.

It was warm...

But sad...

"My dear, why are you crying all of a sudden?"

"Huh?" I touched my cheek and it was wet. I was crying.

I quickly wiped my eyes and faked a smile, "I was so grateful for your concerns that I just..."

The prince eyed me worriedly. The king and queen looked at each other and the king turned to me, "Of course we are worried about you. We won't be here for a few weeks so we'll have our son look after you while we're gone."

Th prince choked on his drink and coughed out loud. "I-" he paused, seeing their parents' looks and gulped, "Y-Yeah..."

I held back my laughter and pursed my lips. The other maids were trying not to snort in front of the royal family as well.


After having breakfast with the other maids, I went to the library to dust off the shelves and sort some new books.

I walked around the giant library, admiring the interior. I pulled out a book named "Encyclopedia of Kingdoms" and opened it.

I flipped the pages and read about the different kingdoms there were. I didn't know there were so many kingdoms.

Kingdom of Vuxaniel

This is the kingdom I'm in right?

I turned a few pages and stopped. There was a picture of the current king, queen and prince.

The prince's name was Taehyung. Now that I think about it, I never asked his name.

I flipped through the pages again and the next kingdom was named Roweth.


Why does this name seem familiar?

A sudden shiver ran down my spine and I felt suffocated.

I dropped the book, panting hard and clutching my head. It was pounding really bad.

Right before I fell to the ground, someone's hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to himself.

"Are you okay?" The prince searched my face worriedly. His face was dangerously close to mine. I could feel his sharp breath intakes and furiously beating heart.

I was trembling.
But when I looked into his eyes, I somehow felt safe.

I buried my face into his chest, my hands holding his upper arms as I tried to steady my breathing.

His arms tightened around my waist and he caressed the back of my head, "It's going to be alright."

His smell, his voice, his warmth, even his mere presence was able to calm me down. It was soothing.

I pulled away after recovering and he sighed, "You gave me quite the scare there..."

I bit my lips, feeling guilty. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to do mathematics. My study room is in that corner," he pointed to a door with the sign "Taetae's chamber of misery".

"Nice name," I mumbled. He chuckled, showing me that rectangular smile again.

I tilted my head, looking at him, "Taetae?"

It suddenly dawned upon him that he never told me his name. "Ah, it's my nickname. My real name is Taehyung. If you want, you can just call me Tae instead of 'Your Highness' or 'prince'," he stammered.

"Should I? I'm your maid, you know. Giving me special privileges might hurt someone," I remarked, raising my eyebrow.

"I'm sure it's fine. Everyone knows your situation and that my parents wanted me to take care of you," he giggled.

I sighed, "Still, It's not like I'm close to you or anything."

"Then let's become friends"

"Why? You don't have friends?" I teased.

He gawked at me offended, "I do have friends. It's just that I haven't been able to contact most of them."

"Then name one friend," I crossed my arms.

"Uh... Jimin!" He yelled.

I widened my eyes, "The butler?"

He nodded, a little confused.

He makes friends with butlers, eh? Then who says that I can't be friends with him as well?

I huffed out a breath and looked at him, "Alright, let's be friends."

He grinned, grabbing my hands and jumping up and down, "Yay!"

To be continued...

A/N: Jintro omg 🤧 I'm still very emotional because of that song. Jin be bias wrecking me halp

Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter ❤️

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