Chapter 1

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"Hurry up, Holly," Mom snaps, getting out of the car. "Do you want to be late on your first day?"

Obviously, I don't, but it's not like she actually cares what I think. She doesn't even bother waiting for me before she slams the car door shut and marches toward Thomas Clarence High. I think there's still time left before first bell, because the front lawn is littered with kids. A few look up when Mom walks past, her heels clicking loudly against the pavement. Then, more heads turn when, a split second later, my own heels follow hers. Two girls start giggling at the sight, and a boy nearly crashes his skateboard he's so busy staring. If that's not bad enough, a football player racing to catch the ball, totally misses. A split second after he sees me, he runs into a tree, and Mom spins around to look.

"Move your ass, Holly!" Her shrill voice cuts across the lawn, making more heads turn.

Why won't she stop embarrassing me? I'm already wearing her stupid clothes and running after her in her insanely stupid heels. What more does she want? For me to break an ankle and end up in the hospital? To die so she doesn't have to put up with me?

The stares make me feel like some animal on display at the zoo. Tears spring to my eyes and I try to disappear behind my long, blond hair. I would give anything not to be wearing Mom's black pencil skirt, her white button-up blouse, and her black heels. I miss my own clothes so much. Just thinking about the sneer on her face when she threw them all in the trash makes me sick.

"Holly Maureen Mathews," Mom shrieks, tapping the toe of one of her ugly black heel impatiently. It's bad enough that she treats me like this at home, but does she have to do it at school, too? Is she trying to ruin my one chance at a good first impression? Doesn't she care that I won't make friends or have anyone to talk to? Or does she want me to be miserable at school, too?

I rush to get inside, where at least I'm free from the stares. I stop just inside the door, and Mom pushes past me. Her gaze zeroes in on the office, and she marches toward it, hips swaying. Her pencil skirt clings to her backside, and my cheeks flame as I picture mine doing the same. I try to keep my hips still and my ankles from buckling as I follow. The floor inside is more slippery, and the changes of me breaking something increase with each step.

Mom throws the office door open and literally pushes her way past the two girls waiting in line. If that's not bad enough, she completely ignores the boy already talking to the secretary. "We're here to see Principal Sloan."

The girls quickly move aside, but the boy raises a pierced eyebrow in challenge. Then, his gaze moves past Mom to me, and I feel this sudden urge to back away. There's something about him—something wild and dangerous—that takes my breath away. His jet black hair looks disheveled, like he ran his fingers through it one too many times, and his dark piercing eyes lock on mine. Even as I long to escape, I can't look away, and I know I'm in trouble. If Mom sees me staring at a boy, I can kiss my chances of going to any school goodbye.

I quickly look away and lock my gaze on the secretary instead. She opens her mouth a few times, as if trying to think of something to say, and then finally picks up the phone. For a second, I think she's about to call security, but instead she says, "Principal Sloan, there's someone here to see you. A Miss..."

"Mrs." Mom snaps. "Mrs. Mathews."

"Mrs. Mathews." The secretary listens, nodding along with whatever the principal says, and then picks up a folder off her desk. She pulls out a single blue sheet of paper and holds it out. "Here's your schedule, Miss Mathews." She doesn't even look at Mom, and I realize she's talking to me.

My cheeks flush and I reach for the paper, but Mom snatches it away. "I'd like to see Principal Sloan. Now!"

"Mrs. Mathews, there's no need..."

Her Four Shifter Mates : BetrayedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz