A quick note

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If you have made it this far and voted or commented, thank you. I hope you enjoyed it.

I wrote this as an extension to the short story 'Forgotten Gods' as a number of readers thought it needed more to explain the background. The only problem was in my short story I'd killed off my main character!

I like all my stories to have a human element or theme and whereas the orginal was about self sacrifice this one became an allegory on adolescence , on changing from one thing to another through self belief and belief in you from those around you. In the story Lydia goes through a number of challenges given to her by ... well you know that bit so I'm sure you can work out where I'm coming from.

If you read it just as a Sci-Fiit story, that works for me. It's a bit of a slow burner so I'm not expecting too many reads but I certainly enjoyed writing it!

Oh and if you like strong female leads, fairly complex detective stories and a bit of a dystopian view of the world -you may like to try Lasarus Rising. I've just started it. 

Thanks Again


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