Chapter 29

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If themes including suicide or substance abuse are a trigger to you, PLEASE DON'T READ THIS!!!

I'm going to include a summary not including any details of those topics at the very bottom of this page in bold so you can still understand the story without reading the details!

I love you all and remember your worth!


This week has been far more hectic than I thought it would be. Even though I only had 2 shoots and 2 fittings, I ended up being loaded with work.
I had some paperwork to fill out for one of my shoots which took far too long, 4 meetings that I didn't know about and helped everyone out with their videos. So I'm definitely happy that it's Saturday.

I have absolutely nothing to do today, and David's off busy with meetings and vlog stuff. As much as I love him, I'm glad that I can have the house to myself. Being able to blare music and go around the house cleaning in a t-shirt without having to worry about people around is relaxing to me. I absolutely love cleaning, which is why David and I work out so well. He's a slob to say the least.

As I finished, I turned the volume of the speaker down to a normal temperature and laid down on the couch. I pull out my phone and scroll through my different social medias until I hear a knock on the door.

I jump up, pulling pants on and head to the door. I swing the door open, my happy mood quickly vanishes and I can feel my whole body go numb.

"James?" I stutter out. How is he here? He's supposed to be in jail. And I'm supposed to have the restraining order against him.

"Well hello, Taylor," He smirks walking past me into my house.
"Why're you here?" I try to keep the fear in my voice hidden, but the amused look on his face tells me I'm not very good at it.

"To see you of course. But I know that's not what you meant," He stares into my eyes
"I got out of jail for good behavior," He finishes, walking around the kitchen looking around.

"But I have a restraining order against you," I say watching his every move.
"Oh yeah, I heard. It's actually a funny story. Since I got out much earlier than expected, the restraining order isn't in effect yet. Isn't it funny?" He laughs slightly, making me shiver.

"What do you want?"
"Is your boy toy here?" He asks still looking around the house.

"No," I hesitantly said.

"Good," He says pulling out a gun. My eyes widen and I take a visible step back.

"I have a proposition for you," He says twirling the gun around in his hands.

"Seeing as how I got out so soon for good behavior, people can still believe that I'm innocent," He starts. I say silent watching him intently.

"So I thought of a plan. If you kill yourself and write a suicide note explaining how you feel bad that you made me seem guilty, then I'll come back better and more successful than ever," He says looking over at me. I try to wrap my mind around what he said, even though I don't want to. I just want him to get out of my house and leave me alone, but I know that's impossible.

"Why would I do that for you?" I spit at him, and he nods knowingly.

"Well, you see I have a gun. You don't want your precious boy toy and friends to get hurt would you?" He asks and I start to panic. I obviously don't want to harm myself but the last thing I want is for my friends and David to get killed because of this devil.

"Why're you doing this?" I ask through shut eyes.
"I've explained this. I want my job back!" He yells and I jump at his voice.

"Do we have a deal?" He asks and I instantly want to protest, but then the faces of my friends come to mind. They've done nothing but help me be happy, and I would never want to turn on them like that. Plus, if I do this, it's one life compared to several.

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