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Alison's POV

I don't think I have ever had my heart pound as fast as it is right now as I try and figure out what Emily is feeling. Her expression is shocked for the most part but she's feeling something else. Her lips part slightly as if she's trying to think of something to say but nothing comes out.

"Please say something," I whisper, afraid that she would just bolt out of the house and never speak to me again. I don't think she would but I don't really know anymore.

"I-I don't.." She shakes her head before her eyes soften for the first time since I told her. "Where is she now?" I immediately look at the ground and tears form in my eyes. Emily walks over to me and puts her arms around me, pulling my body into hers. "You don't have to answer that, Ali."

I pull away from the embrace. "She's with her father." Emily's expression turns to relief but then she furrows her eyebrows together.

"Why isn't she with you?" I grab Emily's hand and intertwine it with mine. I lead her back to my room and sit down on the bed with her beside me, never letting go of her hand.

"When I told you I slept with that one guy because I felt like I needed too, I didn't tell you the part where I ended up pregnant. I didn't know how you would react and the fear of losing you kept me from saying anything. I'm really sorry."

Emily shakes her head and kisses my hand that she's holding. "You have nothing to be sorry about." I nod my head before continuing.

"When my parents found out I was pregnant, they were livid. How could their perfect daughter be pregnant at the age of sixteen? They told me I couldn't keep her because I wasn't fit to be a parent. I had school to think about and then college after that. How keeping the baby would mean my life was ruined."

"They told his parents that I was pregnant and they offered to take her after she was born. My parents didn't even let me have a say in it. So after my daughter was born, they let her stay with me for a few months to ensure she would be healthy." A tear slides down my cheek but I wipe it away. "Then they took her. I was able to visit her every few months. This picture," I look down at the picture and frown. "Was the last picture that was taken of me and her before they just up and took off with her."

"That's not right, Alison. You have a say in rather or not you get to see your daughter." Emily's eyes turn to cold. "Do you know where they live?" I shake my head no with a frown.

"I think my parents told them to disappear." Emily frowns at this and shakes her head.

"This isn't right, Ali." Em stands up and offers me her hand. I hesitate. "I'm taking you to the police department. My mom was close with one of the cops there and I ensure you, she will find them without question." 

I immediately grab Emily's hand and stand up before she leads me to her car. I don't know what I would do without her.


As soon as we get to the police department, we walk inside as Emily looks around for I am assuming her mother's friend who works here.

"There she is." Emily grabs my hand before I can say anything and practically drags me with her. My legs can hardly keep up with her long ones.

"Ms. Austin." Emily calls for the girl who has black hair that's pulled back, blue eyes, and a petite body. She immediately smiles when she sees my girlfriend.

"Emily, it has been a while." She pulls Em into an embrace before looking over at me. "Is there something I can help you with?" She looks back at Emily.

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