Chapter 2

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It’s been a week now, and no real progress with Josh.  Parker and I had many arguments about our ’relationship’ over phone conversations, however in front of people we were very couple like. The day after we starting dating, news of Parker and I got around school and now we're suddenly the schools new hot topic, and still have people talking about us after a week.

"There she is the girl dating Parker, “I heard one girl whispered to her friend.

"She sure got over Josh," the friend whispered.

"Harley the good girl with Parker that bad boy," one guy commented for everyone to hear.

"Sounds like a romantic love story," another girl said quietly and I smiled to myself as I walked to me locker.

"Hello babe," came Parker's voice as I closed my locker and turned to face him.  He then took hold of my hand that wasn't holding book pinned me against the locker lean forward and whispered in my ear, "their still talking about us."

"I know this plan of yours Parker, might actually be working." I whispered back smiling seeing a jealous looking Josh over Parker shoulder. “Now back up a little or I’ll knee you in the balls.” I said quietly with a smile still on my face.

The bell rang and the rest of the students raced off to class, once the hall was clear I ripped my hand out of Parker’s and pushed him away.  “Don’t you ever pin me against the locker again, or get that close to me again.” I said pointing a finger at him.

“Oh like I want to be that close to you voluntary.  I was just playing the part, there no pleasure in it for me to be pressed up against you anyway.” He said looking me up and down opening his locker.

I had to admit that did hurt me.  Not like I wanted a guy press against me, but when some guy insults your body it does hurt weather you like the guy or not.  I scoffed at him and ran to class a tear rolling down my cheek, as he called after me.  I stormed into class and took a seat next to Ella, gladly there was only one other seat left open on the other side of the room.  Ella noticed that I had been upset and rested her hand on my shoulder smirking at Parker.


“What happen between you and Parker honey,” Ella asked at lunch.

“Just a little spat I’m sure we’ll work it out, we just need some time to cool down.” I answer and begun to eat, feeling extremely guilty about keeping this secret from her.

“Well you better cool down in the next few seconds because Parker on his way over.” Tyler said.

“Hey, I was thinking we could have lunch on the field and talk.” Parker asked extending a hand to me.  I looked at him nodded taking his hand as he grabbed my tray and we headed out to the football field, and sat in the middle of the filed as I kept my head down.  “Look I’m really sorry, it was out of habit.  Plus untrue, you a very attractive women,” He said and I looked up from under my bangs then back down.  “Come on Harley, Please.”  But I stayed silent.

He then got up and came to sit next to me putting an arm around my waist which I ignored showing him I was still pissed.  Then curled his fingers slowly against my side making me flinch, I saw him smile from the comer of my eye as he put his other hand on the other side of my waist doing the same.  It was then I realized why he was smiling.  I pushed off the ground trying to get up but his hold was tight and he pulled me back on to his lap tickling me as I laughed and squirmed trying to get free yet he held his grip not letting me go.

“Okay I…forgive you….now…please stop.” I said between laughs, and he stopped but kept his arms around my waist as I was still in his lap.  “Okay you can let go now?” I said in a questioning way.

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