List of Colors w/Definitions {H-M}

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Haematic: blood-colored

Heliotrope: purplish hue; purplish-flowered plant; ancient sundial; signalling mirror

Hoary: pale silver-gray color; grey with age

Hyacinth: of a blue or purple color

Ianthine: violet-colored

Ibis: large stork-like bird; a pale apricot color

Icterine: yellowish or marked with yellow

Icteritious: jaundiced; yellow

Incarnadine: carnation-colored; blood-red

Indigo: deep blue-violet color; a blue-violet dye

Infuscate: clouded or tinged with brown; obscured; cloudy brown color

Isabelline: grayish yellow

Jacinthe: orange color

Jessamy: yellow like a jasmine

Kermes: brilliant red color; a red dye derived from insects

Khaki: light brown or tan

Lateritious: brick-red

Leucochroic: white or pale-colored

Liard: gray; dapple-gray

Lovat: gray-green; blue-green

Lurid: red-yellow; yellow-brown

Luteolus: pale yellow

Luteous: golden-yellow

Lutescent: yellow

Madder: red dye made from Brazil wood; a reddish or red-orange color

Magenta: reddish purple

Maroon: brownish crimson

Mauve: light bluish purple

Mazarine: rich blue or reddish-blue color

Melanic: black; very dark

Melichrous: having a honey-like color

Meline: canary-yellow

Miniaceous: color of reddish lead; vermilion; red lead

Modena: crimson morel dark-colored horse; blackish color

Morganite: a pastel-colored gem in light, soft shades of pink, purplish pink, and orangy pink; Morganite's color range includes pink, rose, peach, and salmon.

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