39 - August's Girl

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Audrey comes to consciousness, immediately met with bright lights and a consistent beeping noise. She sighs, feeling deja vu begin to suffocate her. Besides two windows, the only thing that differs from anything else is a bouquet of purple flowers on the nightstand.

 Besides two windows, the only thing that differs from anything else is a bouquet of purple flowers on the nightstand

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She looks up and locks gaze with a familiar green eyed boy. Her heart beats even faster as they begin closing distance. August's suit matches her purple satin dress perfectly, as do the flowers in his left hand. He smiles causing both dimples to deepen.

Tears well up in Audrey's eyes that soon travel to a sealed letter

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Tears well up in Audrey's eyes that soon travel to a sealed letter. She reaches over, having some difficulty getting a good grip because of the IV's but eventually obtains the cream colored envelope.

To: August's Girl

Her eyebrows furrow together, slightly confused and takes out a stained piece of paper.

Her eyebrows furrow together, slightly confused and takes out a stained piece of paper

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Dear August's Girl,

Hi, I know you're probably wondering "who is this?" or "what do you mean 'August's Girl?'" because knowing my brother, he hasn't told you, not in person that is. It's Carley, but we're not here to talk about me.

First of all, August has never really been good at sharing his feelings or talking to girls in general. So for him to gift this to whoever you are, you're extremely important to him. There's that and something he's dealt with for a long time, anxiety.

Second of all, which is stating the obvious, my brother likes you. And whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, you like him too. How do I know? Because I'm that damn psychic.

Anyways, I'm not here anymore to help him with his struggles in life. It tears me apart even though it was my decision to leave but he needs someone like you. Someone that can tell him everything will be ok. Someone that he connects with on a personal level. August needs a girl that can bring him back from anxiety attacks. He needs an anchor. From what it looks like, that's you.

Also, don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to commit to. Being with someone, or being there for them, takes time out of your own life. Though, if my psychic abilities are correct (of course they are) then there shouldn't be a problem.

But please, this is my only favor, take care of him for me. Let him know it's ok to cry and to have feelings. It was my mistake bottling them up for so long. Depression got the better of me. It was like a...heavy sheet, a persistent monster that hides under your bed. At first I thought it was gonna go away but then...it only got worse. Don't let him go. Don't let August take the same path I've traveled in. He's such an amazing person, one way too good for this world.

It was too late for me.

Don't let it be too late for him, for you.

Be happy, do what I couldn't.

Find strength, find the will to get through every obstacle.

Live every day like it's your last, because it very well could be.

Audrey takes a deep breath in, feeling tear after tear fall on her thin hospital gown

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Audrey takes a deep breath in, feeling tear after tear fall on her thin hospital gown. She's overcome with so many emotions that it's hard to pinpoint which ones are coming through and for what reasons. Is it because of Carley and what she said? Or because August decided to give this letter to her? Possibly both? Either way, there's no telling when these water works will stop.

In the midst of rereading, Audrey catches a blurry figure in her peripheral vision. Thinking it was just a doctor, she looks up only to be met with sad green eyes, a pair of emerald orbs she has been dying to see. They widen at her state.

He rushes in quicker than lightning, showing off those pearly white teeth in a smile brighter than the sun.


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