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I hate being useless. Feeling useless.

Since I joined the agency, I give my one hundred percent in every mission. I can't accept failure. I'm a warrior, and when I want something, I do everything I can to have it. I don't stop fighting, and I certainly don't want anything to stand in my way.

Now that the list is gone, I feel like we failed something important. Like I failed. And I can't accept that.

I have this feeling that this mission... is important. For me, for the agency, and for more people. I can't let go of that presentiment that I have. If I'm obsessed with a stupid list of names, then there's a reason behind it.

At least, I hope that I'm right.

I hope that I'm not searching for something useless, running after something non-existent, or even worse, after something that could be the death of me.

Sleeping is impossible. Not before I get answers to all my questions.


"Who the fuck stole it?" Britt asks, her dark eyes narrowing.

I cross my arms and watch her while she's training. She pauses to position herself in front of the punching bag again, waiting for my approval. I nod.

"I don't know, but I need to figure out," I say with determination, looking around me.

Britt throws a few punches before she turns to face me. She tilts her head and stares at me in that way of hers. I didn't want to be here and to spend time with her. I need to do something. But she forced me to 'help her with her training'. She doesn't even need help. Hacking is definitely her thing, but she's also strong.

I know Britt still has hope for our friendship. Every time I take a step back from her, she takes two forward. She's determined, I'll give her that.

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" she questions, looking around as well.

I shake my head. "No. It could be The Circle. Maybe they figured we stole the list."

She lets out a breath. "That's dangerous. If they know about us..."

"I think they already do," I conclude.

That night with Brandon, when we listened to Charles Barton, he said they will fall into the trap. I can be wrong, but I felt something. I felt like we were the 'they'.

If we are, then I was right all along. Something big is going on. We are against someone. We are against The Circle.

But who's leading it? And what are they planning? What is the Bird? There's still plenty of things we don't know about.

I want to find out about everything before it's too late.

With that in mind, I fully face Britt.

"All right, you don't need me. I have to—"

"What's going on with Brandon? And Nova?"

I tense.

"What do you mean? Nothing's going on. We do missions. We hate each other." I shake my head and shrug a shoulder.

Britt rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I can get that you hate Nova. But Brandon?"

I narrow my eyes in her direction. "I don't—"

"I just noticed how he tries a lot to make it up to you. But as usual, you run away." Britt crosses her arms and takes a step towards me. "Maybe it's time you forget about... what happened. He's alive, Sophia—"

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