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Oc(Nani aka Niah ): Hello! Welcome to dare and ask- wait.

            WE'll BE BACK IN A.

Nani: Hello again peps! And welcome to ask and dare THE TROLLS!

Branch: why am I here?

Nani: because people here wanna ask you about your personal life!

Branch: wha-

Nani: ANYWAY! You dudes out there ask and dare away! (whisper)
And make BROPPY happen!

Branch: what's bropp-

Nani:  none of your concern! But the people crave it!

Branch: well, clearly it is my concern. You obviously told those strangers to make whatever its called happen.

Nani: Eh, can't blame a girl for trying.
Go ahead and comment! But there are some rules!

1. Sex is not allowed there are trolls for Pete's sake!

2. Crossovers are just very awkward for meh

Ok that's all! COMMENT AWAY!

Branch: that's only two things. Niah I don't think your doing this right.

Nani: ABUH BUH BUH! Nani is a cooler name for me!

Branch: that's your nickname. Wait Where's poppy?

Nani: I don't know, I think she's late.

Poppy: (comes running in) SORRY I'M LATE! Did I miss anything?!

Branch: no I don't think so, I think its almost over.

Poppy: darn it! I knew I should've took the caterbus...

Nani: it's alright! Go on people don't be shy!

Ask and dare the trolls!Where stories live. Discover now