New blood.

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A red pulse ran through the stale air, breathing an odd form of life on the land just for a moment.
The inhabitants, good and evil reacted the same:
Hopeful & searching.

You'd felt your nerves tingle, your limbs were locked and lungs breathless. Your eyes fluttered open, but the dark atmosphere did not aid your blurry vision. You rose a hand, flexing your fingers for a moment before sitting up from the floor. After finally easing yourself up, and your vision focused you'd look around to see you were no longer in the open, New York streets. You no longer saw lanes of cars, and groups of people passing by on the sidewalks.

Now you faced an empty and decrepit shack, the wooden walls barely clinging to the frame work. Moonlight and fog dripped through the holes and spaces of the shack. You were laying in what once was a bed, layers of blood stains and shriveled up innards were around you. It was odd to you how this was the thing that finally drew fear into you. Your legs moved on their own, and you'd launch yourself to your feet. Wide, {e/c} optics snapped to each corner of the room, panic and heavy breathes radiated off your form. You began to back away, watching the bed and the old blood, almost half expecting some forbidden evil to break through the fabrics.

Now in the halls, you'd look to the left and out a windowless frame and to the empty fields ahead. You could see the trees, bare and slender shrouded by stiff components of grass and shrubbery. Walking towards the window, you'd inhaled the stale and earthy night air, hands shaking and head pulsing with the dozens of thoughts you couldn't process. You'd come to one idea, and decided to go with it.

You'd been kidnapped.

Your thoughts had been ruined when a bright ray of light shined in your face. You'd raised an arm, peeking between your fingers and squinting at whoever was behind the light. It took you no longer to run the opposite direction, your shoes slamming against the floorboards as you took a left, the light behind you suddenly shined on the wall..signaling a chase. You'd don't have time to look over your shoulder as you turned and disappeared into an empty room, a red locker stood on the left wall. You didn't care. In the time you had, you'd ran to the other room through an opening in the wall and slammed an entirely different door. From here you'd go back and hide back inside the red locker.

You could hear someone run right by you, and back to check the door that slammed. The moment you heard it close again you'd taken off from the locker and through the hall again. After taking the left and dashing for the window frame, you'd gotten half way out, before feeling a pair of arms wrap around your stomach and pull you back in. You began to scream and flail, throwing your arms and legs, hands and feet at the assailant pulling you to the ground. A hand slammed over your mouth, before you'd been violently shushed. You could hear your heart racing in your ears, your chest rose and fell as you struggled to lower your breath.  A red lightly suddenly glinted through the window frame just above your head. The sudden uneasy feeling in your chest game back ten fold, your eyes widened as you reached back and practically held onto who ever was keeping you still and silent.

The light remained for a moment, when you'd seen a hand grab the frame as if to pull themselves over. You could feel the person holding you tighten, they'd began to whisper a prayer. You both expected an uncertain end..

That's when a horn blared, clear and loud across the field. A set of lights shined just as bright as the moon. This has pulled whoever's attention away from you two. The red lightly turned and disappeared promptly. Either of you moved until you were calm and steady. The hand on your mouth finally moved to your shoulder as they sat up,

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