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Eventually, you'd ended up passing out at least a mile from where ever you last where. You recalled yelling for The blonde that had saved you. You'd woken up to the sound of wood popping and fire snapping at the air around it. You heard..actual conversations. Whispering and debating. It wasn't long until you'd say up, your back facing both the fire and the group that grew silent as you sat up.

"Good too see you're up and alive." A male said, his tone some what uneased and anxious as he chuckled. You turned to look at a man with clouded glasses on his face. Aside him was a young woman with long curled locks, she had an intimidating glow to her eyes, and the tattoos that covered her arms made her look tough. But it was obvious she and the rest were scared. "How long was I out-?" You asked, your brow furrowed as you sat up, wincing at the stiff, burning pain in your shoulder and throat. "About two days..I think the Entity is pitying you, eh?" 

"Hey, take it easy, {y/n}" a family voice said from your side, a hand on your shoulder and a grimy looking water bottle in your face. It was Laurie! You'd breathed a sigh of relief and gladly accepted the water. "How'd you know my name?" You'd ask, before looking at a young man in a green zip-up. "Where are we?"

"We're in the plains." Laurie said, taking a seat aside you, an apple in her hand. She'd toss a few sticks into the fire, "It's the only safe place we have. Killers can't break through the barrier the Entity set up. Which is really fuckin' odd seeing how we're out here because of it." She'd suddenly dig out your wallet, and wave it around before passing it back to you. "And I looked at your drivers license. Good to know you're a donor,"

"Pretty useless, seeing how she's just gonna be slaughtered and wasted here." An older man spat, he looked as if he'd been through one to many trials..then again..so had everyone here, all except you. Right now, none of this made sense to you, your lips pulled into an odd smile as you let a few dry laughs out. "Plains? Entities? What the HELL are you all talking about! It looks like we're in Oregon o-or even Minnesota!" You'd say, looking at all of them with furrowed brows and dull eyes. You knew you sounded crazy, and they were the right ones.

"I told you she's just gonna be problems." The male in green scoffed, earning a nudge from a young woman with braided hair. "Enough, She's in shock, Jake." She'd defend you weakly. "She hasn't even gone through a full trial. She could be helpful, you ass!" You're attention turned from one face to the next. You refused to take this shit as of now. After standing (even when Laurie requested you didn't) you'd twist the water bottle in your hands. All five of these people looked tired, their open skin was full of new scars and scratches. Their clothes looked half washed, torn and bloodied. Overall...they looked as if they'd been really trying to survive. "I need some air-" You'd say, tone low and emotionless.

"She's not gonna last."
Jake said as you left, you didn't care. You could already tell this guy was gonna be difficult to you from her eh til you died-which..wouldn't take long you'd imagined. Looking around, your realize the land was far to dead to be either of the states you threw out desperately. The fog was thick, it left a metallic smell, like ozone after a thunderstorm. You'd been keeping close track on the path you took, the back of your head kept flashing images of the masked killer who'd had you at his whim.

Your walking came to stand still as you stared at the edge of your path. The fog had grown extreme rly thick here, so much so you couldn't even find a path beyond. You did a full turn and realize all around the plains had been surrounded by thick fog. This must be what kept you hidden from the killers. Fear bled into your veins and you weren't sure why. Your chest rose and fell as you clenched your hands into fists, your knees locked rendering you useless. The fog, as if on que..began to slowly clear.

You squinted to see through the yellow mists, and choked on your tongue to what you'd seen. You stepped back and dropped, body giving up on you as it shook.

You'd been staring at a hunched over corpse, twigs, mud, and vines twisted and growled within what looked like a corpse of a young woman. Her left arm was greatly deformed, clawed fingers twitched as she watched you, but did not move. Her gapped mouth revealed jagged, uneven, sharp teeth as she hissed and clicked in your direction. The further the fog cleared, more and more forms began to be revealed, all standing the same distance away from you. Within the middle of them all...was the masked man. The same one you'd faced prior.

On his arm, you could see the crudely stitched up wound you'd given him, proof of his vendetta for you now. Each individual around him was terrifying in their own aspects. You'd stand, and back away, dozens of crows formed from near thin air all around and began to caw and fly into the air as the fog once agin grew so thick, you almost couldn't see your way back down the path. You'd began to yell for help, but your voice only called back to you for so long. When you'd seen the glow of the fire through the fog, you thanked whatever god was watching you.

"What the fuck is going on?" You'd ask, watching as the crows spiraled around your group and bunched into the sky. "Fuck, fuck already!?" The girl with the braids cried out, her face showed she'd been angered and anxious.
"Alright, ready up everyone."

Everyone's gaze shifted to a younger woman, Short ginger licks messed up and cling to her face in twirls. She had three self inflicted scars over her jawline, Three of the five looked near relaxed to see this person, but you hadn't a damn clue who she was, and why the fuck she was so calm. One by one, everyone moved to a missy log aside the fire, and into a chest. From here they'd chose things from flashlights and wire cutters, to first aid kits and sponges, the young woman had gone in, snagging a flashlight, and a small cloth bag, a symbol on the front of it. "Take one, it's better you do now before why're all gone-" Laurie said, handing you one of the cloth bags. "What is this for-?" You'd ask her, the redheaded girl looked at you with narrowed eyes and a scrunched nose. "New blood?" She'd ask, before grinning as she made sure everyone was ready,

She'd close the chest, just as the sky ripped open in two spots, you'd look at the group, who'd all been standing around you. Excerpt the redhead, who'd been standing aside Jake.

"You're the distraction."

Before you could intervene, snap, or question, you'd been sucked into momentary darkness. Whispers, dozens of whispering voices surrounded you, speaking enticing words in your ear. You'd been sure this was madness, this was what purgatory or hell had to have been. You'd close your eyes, and tighten your grip on the med lot you carried. It had all stopped.

The smell of rotting fish and salty waters filled your nose. You could hear the atmosphere change. When your open your eyes, you'd been standing just yards away from a beached and broken down boat. A string of lights shined bright from the edges of the roof..you could see the birds gather. After sucking in your breath..you'd take off, heading tot he closest generator you could find in a careless run.

You were oblivious to the danger following you from the sidelines.

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