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(Phineas' POV)

After all he did for her, it still wasn't enough.

"Phineas!! Please!!!"

He was so happy she was okay, that HE had saved her, then she went and destroyed him.

"I didn't mean it like that!! Please don't go!!"

He could hear her footsteps abruptly stop as his mother said,

"Isabella, no! You know how dangerous his temper is!! He might do something he doesn't mean."

"I have to go to him!!! Please, Linda!!" She sobbed," Please let me go to him!!!"

Did she know how much pain she caused him? How just within a week he'd thought she was dead and considered ending his life?!?

"Im sorry, Isabella," Linda said, her voice filled with tears and remorse, " I can't let you get hurt. I can't... Wait, Isabella no!!" He turned around to face her as she scrambled down the sidewalk.

She put up quite a fight he could tell. Her arms were bruised and he cheeks were blotchy.

Yet, as he looked at her, he felt his heart leap at the sight of her beautiful deep eyes... Her long flowing hair...


He looked her deep in the eyes, and with all the force and authority and anger he had in his body, he said three words.

"Get lost, bitch."

She blanched. Her eyes wide and hurt. Her lip started to quiver, but she just stood there, frozen.

His heart wrenched in his chest. He had never felt so awful in his whole life, but nonetheless, he dared not show it. A tear slid down his cheek as he repeated himself more loudly this time.

"I said, GET LOST BITCH!!" She backed away, his words causing her physical pain. She grabbed her chest.

"Oh my Lord!! Isabella?!?!!" Linda cried, rushing to her aid. She set Isabella down on the grass and looked at Phineas with the most anger than he'd ever knew was inside her.

He gulped.

  "Phineas. James. Flynn. You need to leave this yard and come back WHEN YOU CAN KEEP YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!"

He left without so much as an acknowledgment of either of them.

(Three hours later....)

Phineas couldn't believe himself.

He couldn't BREATHE without her, and it killed him to think that he might not be enough. To think that he might have just hurt her worse than any physical damage could do.

     College is hard as nails. And this sure as hell wasn't helping his grades either. He found himself from a 4.0 gpa to a 3.2 in matter of two days.

"Stupid me," he muttered, "thinking I was good enough...' Sometimes, its not just the heart that breaks but the mind.

He pulled up to his 'secret safe place' deep into the woods, away from all humanity. Here he could do whatever he wanted. Say whatever he wanted to say. He'd built this log cabin after he and Isabella had started dating. Here he could think. And here he could vent...


Everyone knows that Phineas has a helluva temper. Phineas, although he hated to admit it, knew this also, which is why he has a room for that exact purpose.

Whatever. He didn't care anyway. She was just a stupid... Idiotic... BITCH. Who he did not even care about.


SMASH!!!! There went the lamp.

He hated her.


SMASH!!! His phone.

He wished... He wished...

He wished he'd never called her. He should have left her to die.



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