Chapter 32

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Fall break came and went by faster than I thought was possible. I had really just wanted to say 'screw it' with school and spend even more of my time with Amber. Though, I'm nearly positive that if I had done so I would have been given an earful by both of my parents, then possibly shot by Adam. Yeah, we got along okay at some points, but when it came down to Amber, he went back to his usual scowling self. The guy had some serious mood swings like that, but after all, he's gone and been through and done for his pack, I'd have to say that he has the right to do so. I guess he's the definition of 'tough love', seeing as how he's still teaching me on how to be an Alpha.

What surprised me the most was when he walked into our room one night and gave me my new schedule which was now filled with every class Amber had. I think his mate had talked him into that one. More than likely she pulled the 'What would you do if you were in my position?' card.

Now, what most of us found really odd was the fact that Amber's heat had only lasted that one night. From what I've been told, a female's heat is supposed to last around a week. Typically more if she's an Alpha female. Amber had checked with Sylvia, the pack's doctor, on the issue, and she couldn't explain it either. The best guess was that the initial estimate on the time was wrong and we were just a special circumstance. 

Just another strange thing to add to our already strange situation.

Sunday night was ended with a movie and the slight sense of annoyance and dread that we had to get up at the ass-crack of dawn and head off to school in the morning.

School. The one word that teaches me only one thing in life: Patience. The patience to hold me back from punching that one asshole that's in every class. The patience to withstand shouting at the teacher as they load us with homework. The patience to hold my bladder when I am denied to use the restroom.

Yup. Word of the day, people: Patience.

Oh, yes, one other thing patience helps me with. The ability to not vomit the moment I hear Sadie's voice call my name as she walks over to me. Yup, that one probably tops all of my other problems. Hell, Amber's standing right there with my arm linked through hers, and she still has the nerve to grope the hell out of my free arm and practically drool all over me. Well, at least that's what her body movement was like. I had to use every restraint I had within me to not shudder in disgust at her touch.

"Alex!" she sang in a slightly off voice. Off meaning, she sounded like a dying whale. 

"Sadie," I replied coldly.

"I missed you over break! Where were you? I went to your place but your parents said you weren't there."

"I was with Amber," I nearly growled out. God, she's even more annoying than I remember. "We're together... remember?"

"What? You two broke up right before spring break!"

I thought back a little. Wow, it had really only been a week since we ended that whole stupid argument.

'Yeah, and we missed days together with our mate because of that, you idiot.' Xavier growled.

'We're back together, aren't we? And we had a whole week together. Are you really gonna dwell on my stupid mistakes?'

I heard him give a huff before becoming quiet.

"Well, we're back together, as you can so plainly see. Now if you can excuse us, we have a class to get to." Amber said, practically radiating her anger and irritation at the girl.

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